Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A noticeable number of people not wearing masks in Wood Green Lidls making it risky to visit for those in high(er) risks groups. 

People seem to have no idea they could be infectious and put other people at risk, however minimal that might seem.

I've banned myself from Yashar Halim for the same reasons.

There was some anecdotal evidence / guidance in the gutter press a while back but from a respected academic Most dangerous part of the supermarket – with one key thing you sho...

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If it was only @lidl, I would not mind. Issue is, it happens EVERYWHERE in Haringey. 

I was pleasantly surprised that EVERY customer in Aldi, Tottenham High Road, were wearing masks when I recently shopped there. Well done, Tottenhamites!

I did see a Covid Warden yesterday , checking out Lordship Lane Laundry

Interesting point that the normal band of food riders was not in area on his visit 

As interesting issue is how do they keep clean and safe and most food stores are not open. Just hatches for Riders to collect food deliveries 

Suspect the issue is its Hard to get people to wear masks in stores. Especially when people kick off and threaten staff



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