This is a fairly detailed post, and probably a bit tedious to read but if you are interested I would like to go through in some detail what happened in the course of this OFSTED inspection because of what I think is an unfair slur on the reputation of a local children's centre.
Woodlands Park Nursery and Children's Centre was recently graded 'inadequate' following an OFSTED in mid-September. This is a bizarre outcome, considering the fact that the Centre was judged 'good with outstanding features'. Had the inspection been in July that would have been the rating. Had it been held in October 'good with outstanding features' would also have been the outcome. However, for a couple of weeks in September OFSTED decided to take an unsustainable position of absolute zero tolerance to even the smallest errors in the Single Central Record (a list of all staff which makes it easy to see all paperwork on staff easily). In Woodland's case two names had not been put on the SCR, though the paper work was in place. Governors appealed that the outcome was 'disproportionate' and were told vaguely that the school was 'over-dependent on local authority checks'. I am not sure why this is a problem. Schools and local authorities surely work together and the centre was able to show it had all the back-up paperwork.
Anyway, the point is that previously an administrative matter like this would have been able to be put right in the course of the inspection. But for those two weeks this was not allowed. (google Barnet’s school circular of 14th October 2009 and its link to OFSTED's own briefing if you want to verify this). Tens of schools which are perfectly good failed for the same kind of reason. Of course safety is extremely important, but what happened means that the centre was judged by a different standard to other schools. 'Inadequate' has always been an indicator of a really terrible school / centre, not an indicator of a perfectly good school / centre with an administrative oversight. It is a distorting picture and unhelpful to parents. OFSTED presumambly worked out that it will now have to go and re-inspect lots of schools which are fine and that this was unsustainable and a waste of time and money.
The centre's response was to appeal, then to ask for the earliest re-inspection to enable it to clear its name and to move on. I think it is grounds for a complaint, but I can see why the centre did not take this course.
I have put this up for two reasons: firstly so that people in the area understand why a place with a good reputation got such a bad rating. Secondly maybe other parents and users of the centre who feel concerned might want to write to OFSTED, either making a complaint or asking for an early re-inspection according to your will. The address for OFSTED complaints is
The Complaints Manager
Ofsted National Business Unit
Royal Exchange Buildings
St Ann's Square
M2 7LA
Complaints need to be made within 30 days of the report i.e. asap.
No doubt there will now be some stories about 'bad experiences I had at Woodlands', but I would appeal to people to keep a sense of proportion about how significant a rating like this is for a workplace, and how unfair it is. Also OFSTED is being discredited (see Also I am a bit fed up of the national press etc behaving as if everything in Haringey is rubbish even when it isn't.
Please defend this local resource