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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following Sam's publication of the sad demise of the old Oakwood Laundry, I've added below the latest set of visualisations of the site is due to become from developer Hadley Property Group.

Tags for Forum Posts: 590-598 Green Lanes, hawes & curtis

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I’d hoped that they’d have a bit of a ‘piazza’ on green lanes side. I liked how that part of the lanes felt more open.  B

Piazzas don't make money sadly.

I give it 30 years tops

That would tie with the Harringay Arena then. 

So those trees are there (if they ever grow that size in the concrete & with the pollution) to shield the prison like structure. Shame they have no imagination.

If they are ever planted. You remember the Council's artists' impressions of the pocket parks in this area which came to nothing because their planners discovered that there were services running under the pavement ? I mean, gosh! who knew ?

Fabulous trees.

I've just been digging around on this a bit and I find that a Jersey registered company called Latimer Green Lanes bought the land in 2015 for £14M. Tracking back I find that the only named Director of the company is in the Treasury department at  the headquarters at Clarion Housing, the UK's largest housing association.

Skimming through the planning application, I find no mention of Clarion. Does anyone know why all the cloak and dagger?

Last year's stories about Clarion's substandard developments do raise some concerns about just what is going to be built in Harringay.

But by all accounts what Clarion are doing is now standard for housing associations. Following deep cuts to their government funding, the groups have become much more commercial. Many have sought to fund social housing from the profits of selling upmarket homes. I guess this is what's happening in Harringay.

The biggest worry with the announced loosening of local authority borrowing rules is that we will build really crap stuff. Really, really crap. Worse than what we’re trying to tear down now.

I’m trying to think how it could have been more of a slap in the face to locals. Perhaps if it had been taller (but then it is perhaps too far from Turnpike Lane for the London Plan maths to gift them more “density”). What about if it had Pornography playing 24hrs on televisions facing the street on the ground floor?

Although the trees add some "humanity" to the new development, it is basically pretty bland and anonymous. Let's hope the quality of the housing will be good, though as others have said here, modern flats and houses are often of mediocre quality. At the least, we can hope the new houses and the additional people living there will be a boost to local shops and other services.

Hideous but I guess worth it for an as-yet unspecified new "medical facility"



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