Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I saw this in the Evening Standard the other day. An artist is painting London bridges with old rail signage. It's great.

Imagine this on Harringay Green Lanes bridge. Would it get 'tagged' by some complete bell within a week?


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But it will definitely end up saying "Harringay Green Lanes". Also, it will definitely get tagged as you can get to the bridge easily.

But maybe it shouldn't. I'm not sure if remember the hoo-ha back when TfL money was being spent. I don't remember all the ins and outs, but at some point 'Harringay' was approved. Then Cllr Nilgun Canver decided it should be changed to 'Harringay Green Lanes'. (Remember, Nilgun told me explicitly that "Harringay doesn't exist any more"). I think the use of the 'station name' on the bridge was Nilgun's way of not putting Harringay back on the bridge. I still never really got to the bottom of why she was so against Harringay being Harringay (she even released an official statement to that effect).

There was lots good about Nilgun, but this was one thing that she and i had strongly differing views on. 

The traders absolutely rule the area I'm afraid. 

He didn't hijack it, they did put some money towards that one.

You raise a good point, Penguin. Harringay Bridge is looking very very shabby.

I assume that this guy is getting permission from Network Rail or TfL. I can't imagine it being possible to do this work to a railway bridge without such permission and not to be seen and stopped.

Of course if it's historical, they'd need to decide which name to use. Harringay Green Lanes is a relative newcomer. When I was updating the Wikipedia article about 10 years ago, I took the time to dig up the naming history of that ststaion. It was as follows:

The station was opened on 1 June 1880 with the name Green Lanes, but has since been renamed a number of times:

  • Harringay Park, Green Lanes (1883)
  • Harringay Park (18 June 1951)
  • Harringay Stadium (27 October 1958)
  • Harringay East (12 May 1990)
  • Harringay Green Lanes (8 July 1991)

By the by, I added a tag under the original post above to link to previous discussions about Harringay Bridge

Very interesting Hugh.

The entrance to this area should be a matter of local shame. First you've got the 'satellite dish' forest that people all over London know and laugh about. Then you've got the bridge which is just an eye sore. Not helped by the one brain cell brigade who daub it with their stupidity. 

It's not a great introduction to the area from the south is it?

When the traders were trying to smarten the area up, they did want to do something under the bridge but apparently Network Rail were a nightmare to deal with. So how the artist got going on this, I don't know.

A few months back I was contacted through HoL by an ex-boss of part of TfL. Through the ensuing contact I asked for and got the name of someone to approach in TfL about tidying up the bridge. I have to admit that it's still in my 'really-must-get-round-to' pile. 

But I think it's Network Rail who own the bridge - however TFL must hold some sway you would think.

Yes, you're right.

This guy was deeply embedded in rail through a lifelong career. In fact he gave me two names - one in TfL and one in Network Rail. He told me that both TfL and Network Rail have invested hugely in the Overground project. The current boss of Network Rail personally supported the GOBLIN upgrade when he was Commissioner at TfL. My interlocutor also advised getting the BT Police on board.

It's floating further to the top of my pile as we exchange on this..........

It does make a difference. Look at Camden Road bridge. It looks great and doesn't seem to get touched.

We do have some 'special' people round Haringey though

It might be in part the broken windows syndrome in play. But even if you go back and look at Camden Road Bridge before it was decorated, it was never that badly affected by graffiti. I wonder if  Harringay Bridge is just much more accessible. It's also on unpowered lines, which would make it much more attractive perhaps. I guess the time to do it up is after they turn on the power!!



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