Hi everyone,
First time posting so I hope I've gone about it the right way. Have previously rented in Harringay and now we're in the process of buying a flat around TP Lane/ Wood Green but our solicitor has pointed out to us that the proposed Wood Green - Seven Sisters route (i.e. instead of Ally Pally/ TP Lane) would cut through our back garden! Although it's technically outside of the official 'affected' area according to CR2 presumably because it doesn't go through the house.
I know this is likely to be underground so I'm not sure how much disturbance to expect. Our surveyor has advised that there is likely to be cement dust, noise pollution, potentially vibrations during the digging and then afterwards as the trains run through, but what little info there is on the CR2 site suggests that noise will be 'mitigated' and that subsidence is only a minor risk.
Have any residents who live on either of the proposed routes received any correspondence from CR about this, or have any thoughts? Amazing when you try to google the effects of CR construction on people living along the route all you get are Telegraph puff pieces about property opportunities.
... I think the "opportunity" the Telegraph refers to is that of picking up a bargain where property is blighted along the proposed route... if they'd been around during the Black Death those parasites would have made a quick buck selling rat poison...
We bought a property two years ago quite close to Seven Sisters station knowing that the Crossrail 2 tunnels would be built directly under our house. My understanding is that the tunnels will be deeper than the Victoria line - which is already pretty deep - and with modern tunnel boring methods you should barely feel vibrations at all when the trains start running. The construction itself will likely be more disruptive when they drill under your garden, but Crossrail 1 was built at a rate of something like 30 metres per day so it shouldn't last too long. Unless you're planning to live very close to a station that will have to be converted into a worksite with lorries buzzing back and forth, you should be fine.
Yeah, currently just the TP Lane to Seven Sisters route is safeguarded but since that went down in 2015 this new route has been proposed by the council.
This map shows both the current line plus the proposed new route from Wood Green to Seven Sisters, https://cr2.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=21a7f72...
From the centre between the pink lines count 55m each way to get a sense of what would be in the new safeguarded area if that route went ahead. Ditto with the green lines of the current route.
All the stuff from the Crossrail people themselves is very reassuring, especially about the actual digging. And then they're talking about maximum levels of noise at 40db if you live above a working tunnel. But who really knows until the trains start running next year?
Then again, maybe surveyors are just by nature very cautious!
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