Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It's taken me a few years to get round to it, but I've finally updated the Wikipedia article I toiled over back in 2007. It now shows the 2011 census data.

The (not so) new data shows the following:

  • The population of Harringay was about 22,136 as of 2011.
  • The ethnic breakdown is: 64% white, 12% black, 12% Asian, 6% Mixed and 5% other.
  • 71% of its inhabitants were born in Europe, with 12% in Asia, 7% in Africa (mainly eastern & southern), and 1% in North America. Within this mix 3% were born in in Turkey.
  • About 41% of the population report themselves as Christian, 14% as Muslim and 40% as not religious or no religion stated.
  • 60% of residents are classified as being in the A/B & C1 social groups.
  • Of a total of around 9,199 dwellings in Harringay, approximately 39% are owner-occupied and about 44% are privately rented accommodation. 14% are public or other council housing.
  • About 40% of the dwellings are houses, with the remainder being flats, most often converted from the largely Victorian housing stock.

As my footnotes on Wikipedia say, there is no single figure provided in the census for Harringay. All data used for the total population of Harringay is a close approximation, calculated by using the data for Output Areas that pretty closely correlate with the area shown on the HoL map of Harringay. (There are 61 of them - hence my putting off the task for so long!)

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... very good, just so long as the Tories don't use it to justify changing the constituency boundaries... lol


So two thirds are renters. Helped I guess by the inclusion of the so called Warehouse district where 100s of renting folk live. Wonder if there are many of them who know about/contribute to HOL ... 

The stats for the percentage of all dwellings occupied as rented broken down into Harringay's subdistricts (refer to the map shown above) are:

Harringay ward (all of Harringay west of Green Lanes) - 59%

West St Ann's Ward (east of Green Lanes & north of Harringay Green Lanes Station) - 54%

West Seven Sisters Ward (east of Green Lanes & south of Harringay Green Lanes Station) - 61%

Only Private renting:

Harringay ward (all of Harringay west of Green Lanes) - 46%

West St Ann's Ward (east of Green Lanes & north of Harringay Green Lanes Station) - 42%

West Seven Sisters Ward (east of Green Lanes & south of Harringay Green Lanes Station) - 42%

cor, this is great Hugh - very well done and THANK YOU. I am curious about many of these great stats but first can you tell me what "two highest social groups" means  please - I wanna be in that 60% haha 

Nomis offers the following explantaion:

Approximated Social Grade is the socio-economic classification used by the Market Research and Marketing Industries, most often in the analysis of spending habits and consumer attitudes. Although it is not possible to allocate Social Grade precisely from information collected by the 2011 Census, the Market Research Society has developed a method for using Census information to provide a good approximation of Social Grade. The following Social Grades are available:

  • Approximated social grade AB
  • Approximated social grade C1
  • Approximated social grade C2
  • Approximated social grade DE

The MRS explain:

The classification assigns every household to a grade, usually based upon the occupation and employment status of the Chief Income Earner, but in some cases using other characteristics. For this reason alone, Social Grade is incompatible with government social classifications and can only be properly determined by trained market research interviewers backed up by expert coders.

Read the attached for more.


The highest groups live at the top of Hewitt.

Yeah, reading it back, I can see why the way I've phrased that would deserve a bit of gentle ribbing. I've done a slight reword on Wikipedia - but I'm not sure if it helps.

You can see the areas included more precisely on a map I've put together. For the western parts of Seven Sisters and St Ann's Wards I've mapped the individual output areas. Since it wasn't necessary to split up Harringay Ward, I've just mapped it at the ward level.

You can see there's an small area on the extreme south east where the output area includes a bit that's not Harringay. And a tiny corner of the north eastern part of the  Gardens is excluded since most of the output area in which its included isn't really Harringay. But all in all the fit is not bad at all. 

Thanks Hugh! Very interesting.



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