An erroneous visit from the police means we need a new front door.
Does anyone have an original Victorian front door from a property on The Ladder?
If not, do you know where I might get one?
Thanks in advance,
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That does not sound good. If they put their size 9s through your door I hope they will cough up.
If you are looking for a door try to get hold of Matt Cuthbert he is one of the Lib Dem candidates to be a Councillor. He often has things like this around. Message me if you cannot get gold of him and I can put you in touch.
Thanks Justin. They had to use one of those door pounder things. They told us they won't compensate. I'm not accepting that, of course, and am just going through the a claim.
I may have a lead on one, but if not, I'll contact you to get Matt Cuthbert's details.
Thanks a lot for the reply.
I think I walked by your home yesterday evening and saw someone in the midst of a conversation with the police. You must claim especially if they did this all in error. How absolutely awful. Maybe no consolation but what could fortify your case is that the fact that after them knocking down the door there is now one less door for potential thieves to deal with thus making your home more attractive crime target..
Hi Brian did you get your door replaced? We are looking for a Victorian front door.
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