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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


A few neighbours have noticed some repeated nasty treatment of aggressive dogs - kicked, left in the boot of a car, only coming out to poo on the street and then be put back in - alongside the fact that the owner has picked up repeated parking tickets, morning after morning.

This has been reported to the police, council and RSPCA by more than one of us, but nothing has happened.  Last night it appears that the person in question has a different car now, but still with dogs inside.   It's all a bit scary, but we don't know what to do.

Any suggestions?


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Where is this?

Thomas, feel free to identify a general district, but please don't post any details on HoL that can identify the person you are referring to. We'll leave that as being between you and the RSPCA.

How awful. Hope the dogs can be helped. Try again to keep escalating report to the RSPCA, give them names and addresses of all witnesses, all vehicle details where dogs seen left in boot, a record of mistreatment of dogs/dates, description of dogs, photo evidence and video evidence if possible helps a lot too. Get your neighbours to do the same again to the RSPCA. Keep compiling detailed evidence in the meantime and updating the RSPCA.

In the meantime, if any of the dogs are roaming and are found, contact All Dogs Matter as they are a good source of help.

I agree re comments below. Log the times and dates left. Photo evidence if it is SAFE for you to do so. Escalate yourself and with others to RSPCA. Do NOT get fobbed off by them. Thank you for caring. xx

Thanks very much for advice...

Yes- we were nervous about posting precise details on the site.  Suffice to say, we know where it is all coming from.   

The last dog has already been replaced.  Now there is a new one, very puppyish, with what appears to be a special collar on.  I think it is to control their barking...

In any case, we are compiling stuff and reporting it.  Fingers crossed that eventually there will be enough for them to come.


Are they a dog walker or do the dogs belong to them? I hope they are not charging people to walk their dogs only to leave them locked in a car 

Get everyone who is involved to notify the Rspca. The more complaints, then the more likely to exculate it, sounds shocking and disturbing



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