Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I walked through H Passage this morning from Fairfax to the next road, towards the Salsibury direction(what is it again?) and was about to enter the passage when a tall man ahead of me stopped in the passage and was looking down and fiddling with something(?) and looked at me as if waiting for me... I therefore turned round and walked out of the passage and waited for a bit, then I peeked round the corner and he had walked a bit further and stopped and was looking in my direction again.... what was he up to and why? Was he lurking? Was he a flasher? Was he up to no good or was it all totally innocent?......... Women have to weigh all this up... I was not about to put myself in the position of being alone in the passage with no one else about, but him lurking there....anyone else see him? I waited for a bit and then looked again and he seemed to have gone.......... so carried on walking through.

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I am grateful for the information that I should be more alert in the passage. I also appreciate Liz’s post very much. I agree that recently there has been a lot of less than sympathetic responses to people's very real concern's over crime etc. I think that if residents can share information and occasionally get some sympathy/reassurance then it makes a difference. Perhaps as a woman I'm being too empathic here...But as a newish member I have certainly been put off coming on this site by the type of pithy responses that have been made. Pedantry is not always an appropriate response when someone comes on the site to share news of an upsetting incident (such as having been the victim of a burglary or to report the murder of someone who made an impact on their lives). When I recently tried to convey sympathy to another newish member (albeit in a rather ham fisted way - showing more concern to the poster than to the respondent) I was shocked to find that the respondent resorted to name calling! This was not the response I expected from a community website. I have felt attacked and trivialised by comments made to me on this site and am disappointed to see that it is also happening to others rather regularly.
Sandra, thanks. That's brilliant feedback. It's actually an issue we've been discussing recently. So to get some real live feedback of how it's playing to members is wonderful.

What we don't want to do is to make this a fully moderated site. It's just not practical. But we can have a strong influence on what's acceptable by setting a clear tone. If I may, I'll drop you a mail to understand the issue from your perspective a little more.
Totally agree with you Sandra! Come along to the next drinks thingy and get to know some of the people here, you'll see some are not as insensitive as they can appear sometimes... Please do not let this put you off, there's too much potential here to meet nice people (really!), get help with problems, useful hints and tips, list is longer, but this is what I can think of at the moment.
Just read through all of this thread. Really surprised by the argument that this isn't a legitmate subject for discussion, I don't follow that logic at all. Obviously we don't want to get things out of proportion and make grand claims about crime levels in Harringay but I get no sense at all from the debate here that this is what is happening. The bottom line is that I'd much rather know about SB's experience than not know of it.

Personally I didn't read the 'buy things' comment in the way that has been suggested, but - yes - having seen the exact same words on a previous post just a few days didn't really need to see it again as it didn't exactly add to the discussion.

And sorry to SandraP for her experiences. Do please carry on coming to the site. I think what you're describing is one of the downsides of emails/websites, you don't have the same cues that you would if you were talking to someone face to face so it can be hard to get the right tone. Which is not to say that name calling is okay!
I'd like to add to Alison's comment above; Sandra, please do carry on contributing to the site. Your contribution is as important as anyone elses.

Quite a number of regular contributors to this site have got to know each other off-line through the HOL drinks which are held fairly regularly, normally at the Salisbury. Everyone is welcome to come along. Comments between individuals that know each other off-line may have nuances not seen or understood by others. Sapphireblue and James know each other rather well, before HOL days, for example. Having said all that, comments to a thread should stay respectable and preferrably on topic, especially when dealing with a serious topic such as within this thread. [The more humourous threads do tend to vear off of course]
Please don't let little old me put you off posting on HoL. i'm sorry if i upset anyone and you found it difficult to understand my posts. I didn't mean to be unhelpful. The last thing i want is to hurt anyone. I now feel rather ashamed of myself. Sorry.
Thanks for your apology James. I didn’t get the nuances of all of the posts because I wasn’t aware of the off-line relationships (which Matt helpfully explained). I accept that you didn’t mean to be unhelpful or upset anyone. I do understand your posts re consumerism (I’ve just taught an MA course on critical theory which included Marx) I just didn’t see how they were helpful in every context. I see now that your comments were meant as witty interjections and will overlook the bit of name-calling as banter too. Thanks to everyone else for their replies too.
Happy days !
Matt, you've made the most useful contribution to this post by far. Good on you for offering SB your cellphone number.

BTW, the Safter Neighbourhoods Team can be texted or called on 07920233786.
I tend to avoid using the passage way -it seems an ideal location for muggings, perverts and leary bastards with big dogs. I m a Glasweigan male and fairly able, but still better safe than sorry.
Oh great, so I am the only person using the passage at night. I'm a 5'8" nerd from Wellington and I'm making a point of using it because I think if we use it more it will become safer. I have seen people walking dogs in there bigger than me (I asked what it was, a French Mastif) and sometimes heart is in mouth but I'm buggered if I'm going to let myself be so scared I can't walk around my own bloody neighbourhood at night.
I use it a night, although there are times when I'm think I've being an idiot. A junkie stopped me once when I was carrying shopping and asked if I had something she could make a sandwich with but that's the only thing that has happened so far. The worse thing at night is the foxes suddenly jumping over walls ahead of you.

That being said, if anybody in the community has spotted something suspicious it is important that we have a forum in which to alert others to a potential problem. It isn't scarmongering, it's sharing knowledge and we are all stronger for that. I will not be put off walking around the neighbourhood but if somebody says that criminal activity or suspicious behaviour is on the increase I might be inclined to putting my personal alarm in my pocket before setting off; and that does not make me a fool.

Also, I have a teenage son who also uses the passage on his own in the evenings and it is useful to able able to alert him to any potential issues. I don't want him to worry about wandering around the area either, but part of my role is teaching him to be alert and to have an awareness of possible threats and dangers. Information about people lurking helps with that.



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