Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Owners of Proposed Triple Restaurant in former Fairline/Class A Premises Finally Come Clean

The owners of the almost complete new restaurant in the former Fairline/Class A premises have been pretending for the last year or so that their project was anything but a new restaurant. They even had their agent come on HoL to protest their innocence with regard to any such move.

Of course anyone with half a mind didn't believe them for a moment and they've now finally come clean and have applied for retrospective planning permission.

There are very sound grounds for objection to this development given in Haringey's planning policy and one hopes that the Council will make proper and fair use of these in making their planning determination. 

Local objections, particularly those that can be linked to policy are taken into account and do make a difference. Any resident can object. I am attaching a copy of the LCSP's objection which makes clear which policies can be referenced for your objection.

If you'd like to object, or support, the application, you can do so via the planning pages of Haringey's website here, using the "Comment on Application" button towards the bottom of the page. (EDIT: I made a comment essentially just supporting the LCSP's statement in its entirety).

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As soon as they changed their name, the price for two pieces and chips went up by 25%

Jesus Don !!

I once had a Zam chicken and the taste was indistinguishable from wet blotting paper and it smelled like a sewer..

No thanks

Just like KFC then?! It wasn't a serious suggestion....

Neither was mine. Didn't you see the  ?

I'd be interested to see The Chicken Connoisseur give Zams/Periwhatever a review. It's definitely not peak, fam. Dead even.

Well, it's dead... dead cheap.

I cycled past last Friday at 20:30 (peak kebabing/turkishing time) and it was almost empty. Then I cycled passed Opera (the new hipster join which looks great with good beer, coffee and fresh bread), Salisbury, bruhaha, jam in the jar, Blend - and these were all packed! Restaurant owners on green Lanes need to start looking and listening to what people what and how they are voting with their feet - People don't want endless cheap tacky Turkish restaurants, they want diversity/ quality/ a few hipster style bars/cafes/pubs/restaurants/ better music. We love our established Turkish restaurants but the rest will fade away. We've seen it already all over Hackney and it's only a matter of time - the quicker this happens the better.

To use the curious noun or adjective 'hipster' once in a paragraph seems unfortunate. To use it twice in that paragraph is a crime against the language.

I have no idea what " hipster " means ( apart from jeans )

It can be a noun - 'a hipster', or a noun adjunct -'a hipster cafe'. The word was first used in American slang in the 1930s. The origin of the word is probably 'hip' or 'hep' and may be the origin of the 1960s word 'hippy'.
Hipsters' meaning low waisted trousers wasn't used until the late 1960s. You could talk about ''a hep cat in hippy hipsters' but I doubt you'd have many friends afterwards.

Broadway Market on a Saturday for field research.

I had no trouble understanding the word in this context. But then I am a hipster.



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