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Spotted this council notice today.

Paddy power becoming a yoga studio sounds like a definite improvement for Green Lanes

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We are looking but hopefully we can deal with a landlord that actually wants us 

We hope soon

Can you comment on this?

John, don't you think it's far more likely that Betfred want to retain current use as a gambling den in case the market swings back? Also, if it is about a protection racket are you really asking an identifiable individual to comment on a public forum?

I don't really expect an answer, just want to remind them that the famous but forgotten protection racket probably still exists. I also know that it's not easy getting premises on Green Lanes (from talking to individuals who have tried).

Really sorry to hear that Shamir. Lots of us were looking forward to joining. Come to West Green Road! There's a great, new build empty unit on the junction with Black Boy Lane (Kett House).


We actually spoke to the head landlord this late afternoon on the phone and have spoken to them at length about the scheme. We have been asked to write a letter which we have and they are going to discuss it with their agent and family and come back to us. So there actually could be a reversal of fortunes. I wouldnt get my hopes up as these guys are all about business but maybe we may get lucky and they may be able to get a deal with Betfred over the line

Will update accordingly 

What kind of mental landlord doesn't want a yoga studio? It's about the least intrusive use for a retail premises you can possibly imagine.

Fingers crossed for you Shamir!!!!!!

The speed that you sold out of the membership and the excitement I heard from so many people about you guys opening up on green Lanes just proves that there is a demand for a yoga studio on green Lanes.

I personally think it will be a great addition - having something so positive for the local people, their health and well being will be great!!!

I think your yoga centre would promote other more healthy and mindful business opening on green Lanes....healthy cafes /health food shop / more healthy, ethical forward thinking restaurants/ quality bakers/ fishmongers/ florist/ independent off license/ book shop/ more independent shops in the vein of Harringey local stores, Blend and the butchers.... I personally think this would be a positive direction to go in.

The foundations are in place and the community is definitely there so keep pushing for it Shamir!

You can beat Betfred and its horrible money hungry betting ways and bring yoga to green Lanes!

I for one have everything crossed including eagle arms and lotus legs!!!

Good luck :)

Lovely message thanks a lot


Another person (me) who was eagerly looking forward to this development for Green Lanes. Keeping everything crossed for us!    



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