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  • RuthE

    Hi Liz

    I posted a discussion about 20mins ago in love to dance but it hasnt appeared on the front page. Are there any technical problems?
  • matt

    Thanks Liz. It's probably something the council will suggest after the re-development of the open space :)
  • Rajinald

    Hi Liz

    My wife Iona is already a member

  • tigha

    I had a lovely time Liz and it was great to put a face to your name finally.I really appreciated how friendly you all are-so thank you
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Hi Liz. How comes my confidential email address ('not to appear on the network') appears in my profile. Shome mishtake here shurely? I joined this site to escape not to expose myself!
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Thanks Liz. Not only have I lost my old AOLemail and identity but clearly part of my brain function as well.
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Just my early mid-life crisis, Liz.
  • Pat


    Lucy forwarded them - great pictures.

    Nice to have meet you yesterday.
  • RuthE

    Hi Liz

    I'm trying to find an old discussion but it doesnt seem to be there on my page, any idea?

  • AnnieH

    You inspired me to get festive Liz! I searched for an advent pic and I feel for this one. Season greetings Little Miss Christmas! :-)
  • AnnieH

    Love the new and improved Christma-tar - inspired and a perfect compromise!
  • AnnieH

    Liz - you're elf is brilliant - I love the "festive" barn dance version. They really do make me chortle!

    I think we need to get more HoL peeps "elf-ing" themselves this Christmas. I made one of Nige, but he didn't seem keen on uploading it to his page. Bahumbug!
  • Alison P

    Can claim no credit, was Hugh.

    Would you like to come to me tomorrow or is it easier for us to come to you. Either way fine.
  • Arthur Astrop

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you so much for your comment on my pic of the 1930/31 Christmas play at South Harringay School. No drummer boys in my day, I'm afraid, just a Father Christmas (who, incidentally, was me!). The spirit gum used to attach the beard to my 6-year old face stung like hell !!
    Kind regards,
  • Harringay SNT

    Hi Liz,
    As discussed I can do that next week. It`s a three day week though as we work all seven this days this week it`s a strange shift pattern.
    Next week we work Wed 12pm-8pm Thur 10am-6pm and Fri 7am-3pm.
    Let me know what would suit you
  • Harringay SNT

    10.30 it is then
  • Harringay SNT

    Liz we executed a drugs warrant this morning and are now going to seize three maltreated dogs with the RSPCA at short notice as the owners are known to be violent so if you don`t mind I`m going to send Lisa around for your survey.
    She has had the training
  • Lucy Whitman

    Dear Liz

    big apologies for not replying to your message till now. After the GRA AGM I was frantically busy meeting a big deadline for a book I have just finished working on. It was good to meet you too. Thanks for coming to our AGM and thanks for all the good stuff you do locally. I have just left a message for Birdy Too re the Sustainable Haringey group which is working on alternatives to plastic bags. I will send you a copy of the minutes to our AGM on your private email. all best wishes Lucy
  • GillianM

    Hi Liz - what sort of things are on at the Ladder Children's centre? My little boy's 13 months and a bit big and toddlerish for the baby group we used to go to! Am looking for different things to take him to locally.
  • GillianM

    Lovely - thanks!
  • StephenBln

    Sorry I'm late in getting back to you.. I've just noticed your comment as it didn't appear on the board..
    The answer to your question is no - I couldn't see the photos..
    I have to say that I'm not too keen on the changes to the site so far.. - I presume things are still under construction.
    I didn't want to beef 'up front', but I do miss not being able to see who's currently online - On the other hand, I don't like the other rather silly list of who's online as most entries are the same.. apart from me and a couple of others.. BTW, if you log to HOL via your blog you should a little plug for it - I do... apart from that - I suppose it's better to mail.. more private..
  • StephenBln

    p.s. like the use of yellow on your page - gives a very fresh feeling!
  • Danzigger

    Good to meet you too. Get some ideas together, and then let's assemble some interested people as soon as you've got the time.
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Hi Liz. I shall be punctilious about using the proper crossing from now on. Yes I'll definitely be in the Cyprus Kitchen on 23rd. I shall try to mute my enthusiasm for a Wightman Rd bus lest we split our WRN4RA down the middle!
  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    p.s. Nice to see Spring so well and truly sprung on your page.
  • Arthur Astrop

    Dear Liz,
    Discussion on whether there was once a Woolies where Iceland now stands is obviously (and quite rightly) of interest to today's Harringay residents. But, back in the 1930s, I think the nearest Woolies to me was in Wood Green! And each evening, at the end of a day's trading, the young lady assistants had to sweep the mahogany-strip wooden floor with wide brooms and a mixture of damp tea-leaves and some sort of disinfectant, which smelled strongly of carbolic. As they swept, the shop's gramophone (!) played Suzette Tari singing Red Sails in the Sunset. (Older HoL members may know what I mean).
    There was also a Bon Marche in Wood Green because I recall my mother buying her summer frocks (what a lovely old word) there! My recollection is that they also sold dress-making material by the yard, and my mother and her sister used to compare notes on whether the crepe de chine at 1/11 3/4d a yard was a 'good buy'. (I'll explain 1/11 3/4d if you need it).
    I greatly enjoy signing-on to read HoL every other day, but to be honest it does make me feel extraordinarily old! But then I am 86, so that's no surprise really.
    Warmest wishes to you and to Hugh. You are both doing a splendid job for the 'land of my birth'.
  • maggie

    Hi Liz, I enjoyed it and nice to meet other locals.
  • Alison P

    Hi Liz! Good to see you last night. What a bizarre meeting. It only really dawned how bizarre when I was describing it to John afterwards, especially the mass trader walk out ..

    Anyway, a banal question. I'm changing my email address - is there somewhere I can this on the site or do I just need to tell you and Hugh what the new one is?
  • Alison P

    Ta, will do.
  • Danzigger

    re. spEak You're bRanes
    -this is brilliant!
  • Karen Alexander


    Thanks for this. As you know the 12 Warham Road saga has been ongoing for some years and I have been dealing with it for sometime now. I will get in touch with Planning and Enforcement to see where we are with things. I will come back to you as soon as I have any further news.

  • Dinendra

    I like your home page - how can I personalised my home page like yours.

  • Henry North

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Steve Hatch

    Hi Liz

    Many thanks for the welcome. It has taken me a while to get used to the site, but I think I am almost there now!

    I will have a good look at that link later, thanks again.

  • Ruth

    Cheers Liz. R
  • Rachella

    Hi Liz-- Yes that's me!
  • Meryl O'Neal

    Thanks Liz, I am just loving this site! Sure wish I had some photos of the Harringay area back then. My family must not have believed in taking pictures. Only have good memories.
  • Brigitta Handforth

    Hi Liz thanks for letting me join in. Just discovered Steve Hatch whom I have known for quite a while. B
  • Jeanette Sitton

    Hi Liz, thanks for joining Friends of the Paddock group. I don't know if you know the Paddock, but it's on Ferry Lane and is a gorgeous place, hidden away from every day hussle and bussle. Bye for now
  • Zena Brabazon

    Hi Liz

    Thanks for adding me to your list.

    Nice to be thought of!

    All the best

  • VIX

    Liz when is the drinks thing next week?
  • Justin Guest

    Liz. Someone told me that you posted some pics of sunflowers a few weeks ago. I seem to have missed them, can you point them out to me?
  • Justin Guest

    Thanks Liz, that's great....
  • Hugh

    Why is there an egg coming out of your head?

  • Nina Brunner

    Dear Liz, Thanks a lot for all this! I will check them out :) Lovely flower photos, btw. look forward to meet lots of nice neighbors soon . Nina

  • Ms Giuliana M C Pessato

    hi liz ! just to let you know that this sunday there will be a cookery lesson for kids at harringay mkt from 1130am.
  • TL

    Thanks for your welcome message. Look forward to learning more about the neighborhood.


  • tania

    Thank you Liz for sharing important information, much respect :)

  • Chris

    Hi Liz and Hugh. I'm playing at the Earl Haig Hall this Saturday at 2pm. It's an Oxjam festival with beer, food, kids face painting, a majic man, raffle and lot's of live music and a DJ to end the evening. Could you promote it for us? I think Steve who is running it added something about it before. Chris Lampard

  • Chris

    Ahhh... I found the link on HOL. Could you add it to the home page?