Arthur Astrop


Kenilworth Warwickshire

United Kingdom

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  • Old-Age-Emporium(OAE)

    Dear Arthur,
    I'm delighted to hear from you. I shall leave a message for Hugh who is our 'main man' on this site and he will know how to make best use of your kind offer. The idea of a "Letter to my Grandchildren" is wonderful.
    Like you, I am quite a novice in this 'blogging world' but I must say that Hugh's baby, harringayonline, has given us all a much better sense of a community here than we could ever have had without it.

    Every good wish. I'm sure you'll be hearing from Hugh.
    Eddie (OAE)
  • Chris Smith

    Thanks Arthur. I'm actually finding the whole process quite therapeutic. There's more in my old grey matter than I thought ...
  • Hugh

    Thanks Arthur.