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Comment Wall:

  • Liz

    Hi Rachella,

    Welcome to Harringay Online. Hope you find it useful. Click here for a few pointers on using the site. Let me know if you have any questions.

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  • Liz

    Hi Rachella
    I'm just wondering if you are the lady I chatted to after Community Volunteers. Your comments about Noel Park on the heritage thread reminded me. As you can see, we may start our conversations about Harringay but they don't always stay there :)

    p.s. if I've got the wrong person, sorry.
  • Liz

    Great! Glad to see you made it onto here. Hope there's stuff to interest you.

    I guess you are the same Rachella who is chair of the Noel Park conservation group. Would be really interested to know how you progress (sounds like you've got one estate agent on your side - Steve is very nice, met him last week).

    Any chance of using your blog on this page to keep us updated on what happens from time to time? (If you need help with it, let me know) We have one or two Noel Park residents here, lots of people who are interested in conservation and even a couple of experts in planning so I know you would get readers.

    Anyway, see you at the next Comm Vol meeting I hope