Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Yet another Sevacare scandal in which our Council is implicated in paying half the minimum wage

BBC: 'Seventeen care workers are alleging failure to be paid the minimum ....'

Some of the care workers involved in the tribunal (BBC Photo): 

Guardian: 'Payslips show that contractor Sevacare paid London borough of Harin...'

Guardian: A spokesman for Haringey said the council contractually requires providers to obey minimum wage law, including remuneration for travel time.

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What to do about Haringey's social care crisis?

Channel 4 Dispatches - Haringey council treatment of vulnerable and...

Tags for Forum Posts: Haringey Council, Unison, carers, minimum wage

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Thanks Tina - totally agree that these are complex issues - it's what the group of highly-paid civil servants in the senior team, some of whom are paid over £100,000/yr, are employed to resolve.  If Councillors claim credit for good work done by civil servants (as they often do), I think it's only fair that Cllrs share the blame for failure too.

Issues such as the Council having few alternatives is an exec problem and solvable. Over many years I've seen difficulties pop-up for example, and all of a sudden money is found - money should be found for this pronto. Carers don't just do a vital job, the sort of borough we want doesn't let this crap happen.

Completely agree too that,  If the exec preside over a system where carer-abuse is possible, it's a bad system even if it's 'not their fault' and they need to accept full responsibility and fix it. I'd also like their actions to be transparent so we can see exactly what they do to solve it (if anything).

Cllrs should be holding the executive to account, keeping us posted and involved - that's what they're for.



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