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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!



Can I invite HoL members to make a special effort to get to the next St Ann’s and Harringay Area Forum. The focus is the local impact of the government’s Social Security changes.

Haringey has been chosen by the government as one of four ‘pilot’ authorities for imposition of the” benefits cap” and welfare changes, starting from April 2013.

These have been deferred for the rest of the country so we are very much the guinea pigs for some significant policies. You’ve probably read about these changes which have been described as the biggest alterations to the social security system since the creation of the Welfare State.

Our Area Forum is focusing on some of the detailed implications for local residents and our whole community.  Housing Benefit is being cut. There’s introduction of the so-called “bedroom tax”, Also abolition of Council Tax benefit for thousands of households; and several other changes. So there’s plenty to talk and think about.

To give us hard information we’ve assembled a panel including Markos Chrysostomou the Chief Executive of Haringey Citizen’s Advice Bureau; Councillor Joe Goldberg who is responsible for finance in the Council; and a representative from the Department of Work and Pensions. 

I look forward to seeing you next Monday 11 February at South Harringay Junior School, Mattison Road, N4. Doors are open at 6.30pm. The meeting starts at 7pm.

You can find out more here:

Zena Brabazon

Councillor St. Ann’s Ward

Chair, St. Ann’s and Harringay Area Forum and Committee

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I wrote a brief guide to the changes with links for further reading here

Hi Liz

Thanks for posting all the information  I am hoping lots of people come because there are so many ramifications to all of this which will affect hundreds of families. I'm also hoping that hearing about it from the people who are working on the ground will give people real food for thought on current social policy.



Zena Brabazon

Cllr, St. Ann's Ward

Chair, St. Ann's and Harringay Area Forum and Committee



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