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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A few interesting developments on the Grand Parade that cave caught my eye - would be worth gathering any more intel that HoL might have on these:

339 Green Lanes - formerly the Hot Nuts outlet, which had a brief spell as an improvised fruit stall appears to be getting fitted out to be a fishmonger or a butcher, judging by the colour scheme and the number of fridge/freezers and display counter currently being installed. Hopefully another addition of an A1 to the high street!

Former Tramp/Izmir premises - looks like their refurbishment is almost complete and judging by their instagram account it's to become a 'cocktail bar.' Won't comment on the outcome of the refurbishment, but I'll say that it has a flat screen TV, playing a continuous loop of an open fire...

60 Grand Parade - formerly a Ranj Telecom. Noted the bifold door frontage, suggestive of a restaurant/coffee/bar, and poked my nose in. Saw some murals which confirm a likely conversion to A3 or 5, and haven't seen a planning application for change of use.

5-6 Grand Parade - former Opera and Afters premises (i believe) - some refurbishment appears to be taking place, and looks like the two premises are being merged. Won't speculate but it's highly likely it's another restaurant. As above no planning history related to the merger so worth keeping an eye on this one. 

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thanks for the update! sadly, nothing much to look forward to....

I am cautiously optimistic about the prospects of a fishmonger on 339. If it comes to pass and is decent quality (rather than the Ridley road standard of frozen blocks of fish) it would be more than welcome. Not sure the local area can support a decent fishmonger - like for example Steve Hatt on Essex road...

I agree!!

I can't say I was overly impressed by the freshness of the stick and nothing was priced, which makes me think they charge different people different rates....

Great work, thanks. The planning application for 60 Grand Parade went in today;


It's described as an organic food shop with a vegan cafe at the rear, has a Portugese (?) name. 

The organic shop sounds like a great addition, thanks for the update

The way I read the planning application, the floor space will be two-thirds cafe and one-third retail, i.e. one third A1 and two thirds A3.

A3 permissions are now hard to get on Green Lanes. One has to wonder about the extent to which the A1 part is a fig-leaf in an attempt to bypass the A3 hurdle.

You can see this in their application statement:

Haringey Local Plan Policy SP10 promotes the distribution of retail growth andaims to protect and enhance Haringey’s town centres. Policy DM42 of the Haringey Development Management Plan 2017 (Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages) states that within Primary Shopping Frontages, proposals must not result in the overall number of units in non-retail use to exceed 35% across the entire frontage, unless it can be demonstrated that the proposal will significantly enhance the vitality and viability of the centre. The continuity of the centre’s retail frontage must be maintained, normallywith no more than two adjoining units in non-retail use, and an active frontage must be provided. The last town centre frontage survey undertaken by the Council was in August 2018.

The survey results are announced by the Council that 43.17% of the units within the frontage were in non-retail use, which exceeds the 35% limit by 8.17%. 3.6% (or five units) within the frontage were recorded as being vacant.

Although the proposal would not result in more than 2 non-A1 retail uses in a row as no 59 is a retail unit as Dry Cleaners and as shown on the plans that the application site would be mainly a retail unit selling organic and natural products to the front and having a small café element to the rear with light cooking such as omelettes and sandwiches and would provide an active street frontage and vitality and viability to the centre.

Perhaps it will/would be a very nice place, but the fact that they seem to be gaming the system in order to get A3 permission makes me wonder about the longer term plans for the premises.

As you say the name, Abraço, is Portuguese. Apparently it means hug or embrace - not a bad name. The application statement however, doesn't describe a cuisine and there aren't any clues that lead to the conclusion that it will be Portuguese. 

That's a fair shout Hugh. On paper the application looks promising, and a welcome bit of variety. If successful it may trigger a fair few copycat proposals.

Some hilarious Gogtas/Gokuzu hybrid retail concept can't be that far off...

EDIT: have had another look at the application and about 25% of the space is dedicated to retail, so it might raise some eyebrows. Nonetheless, looks well considered and hopefully will bring some variety to the local food scene. 

On a semi-related note, taking a virtual tour of the grand parade on Google Maps can show just how much has changed, and changed for the better. Some of the images are 6-7 years old so despite our collective grumbling the Grand Parade appears to be in a decent shape...

Update as I have walked past it a number of times. Looks to have been refurbished to the ubiquitous aesthetic so prevalent up and down the grand parade: exposed bricks, filament light bulbs, mural, some artefacts of vintage provenance etc. Yawn.

The whole retail concept appears to be a complete front - there is literally 1 stand with what appeared to be shelf-stable veg crisps, muesli and Trek bars. Not a single fridge in sight as evidence of any serious 'organic food' ambition. Overall very far from the 1/3 retail and 2/3rds non-retail commitment In the application, so I shall be flagging this to the council and I'd encourage anyone who cares to do the same...

On another note the ever-empty Mezzo appears to have shut.

As suspected this is a bog standard cafe offering the usual sucuk, eggs and avocado on toast, with a token retail display. And it’s as Portuguese as Boris Johnson is Turkish. Makes a mockery of Haringey’s planning department who in their endless naivety must have believed they are approving a proper mixed use premises. 

I'm assuming this is Abraço. Having been in it seems like a nice place with decent food that has been done well, something that section of Green Lanes has been missing a bit since Moka closed down. It felt more akin to Moka, Jam in a Jar, Blend, etc than a Turkish place.

As you say though, the system has certainly been gamed with the "retail" part, it's probably about 5% of the premises and is nothing you can't get from plenty of the other shops on Green Lanes.

I agree, including about this filling the gap Moka left. Our family had lunch there on Saturday and the food was excellent (including good kids options) - I had a delicious salt beef sandwich (made with freshly cooked salt beef, first time I've seen this offered on the lanes), my wife had a vege wrap which was reportedly also excellent, and there was a good range of kids options which were gobbled down quickly. The coffee could do with a bit of work, but the kids liked their hot chocolates. 



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