Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

SNP took Scotland because of the national distrust, one could even say loathing, of Westminster
Labour didn't do enough to convince voters that they were the party of government
LibDems were tainted by their association with the Conservatives and their seats were shared out willy-nilly
UKIP became the third party in England on their share of the vote but not their share of the seats

What's your take?

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I've been thinking: "grieve today; begin to plan the fightback tomorrow".

Perhaps the morning after is not the best time to assess different interpretations of what has happened. And more crucially, to reflect and discuss with other people want need to happen now.

But for that process to be constructive it need more generous and open listening than we may be used to. Will some of the more closed-minded people who lost their seats now find it easier to shed the arrogance which power can bring.

Incidentally, I liked Ed Miliband's short, gracious and - in an odd way positive - resignation speech. I hoped it was the real Ed speaking. And not crafted by some spinspokesperson.

Maybe people who would normally vote Labour chose to vote Tory because change right now is just too scary, especially when the UK seems to be moving in the right direction. (no pun intended).

Change? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Not my words, but completely apt.

Congratulations Britain: you have voted for more sinkholes, the end of our post-1945 settlement, and more disabled people dying through DWP sanctions. You have endorsed low pay, tax-dodging, racism, division and The Bedroom Tax and more demonisation of ill, poor and disabled people. That bus route you get to work, could be going. That sanctuary away from zero hour contracts and low pay, gone. Local government as we know it: gone. Your libraries, schools, art galleries: under threat. Your NHS: privatised. Your countryside: fracked to death.
Britain, you have disgraced yourself. Big style. You have elected to kick more people on crutches instead of help them. You have chosen to believe what you read in the newspapers and what you see in the news. You have voted for the trolls instead of the experts. The me me me generation have spoken. It shows how shallow, narrow-minded, selfish, self-centred and narrow-minded people are.

I am personally so gobsmacked that the country I was born in, grew up in and the culture that influenced my base instincts has become so shitty and unbelievably horrible.

Good night.

Stephen now election campaigning is over, surely there's less need for hyperbole, especially of the götterdämmerung variety?

I would have thought that now we have gone from campaigning to reality there is more, not less, need.

@Clive: Cameron's first post election speech was about creating a 'Greater Britain' .. chillingly similar to Hitler's 1933 election speeches about making his country unified and greater.

Let's wait and see what happens.

Blatantly racist - ascribing negative qualities to the generality of a specific national group.

What if this had been said about Jews, Muslims, West Indians, Romanians ?

You are insulting all the British who did not vote Conservative.

Waiting for the rage to simmer down may take a while - how can so many people who will lose out in the next five years, have voted for this lot of murdering bastids?  And if they are all comfortable - like me, owning their home already - do they give a tiny scrap of care for those who will be driven even deeper into hopelessness? 

The tories have got their majority because in so many seats the Liberals were the opposition - they had gradually taken those 70+ seats mostly from tories over the decades. So then when they were punished for their role in the coalition, those seats went back to the right. The voters could have done the nose-holding and voted for the Liberals again, because that has to be better than what we're about to be hit with.  We should have seen it coming more, and done much more research and promotion of strategic voting.

Nationally the Lib Dem vote fell by two-thirds comparing the 2010 and 2015 elections - I 'd be surprised if much tactical voting would have been more than micturating into the breeze, objectively, like it or not.

Locally, the Harringay Ladder/Gardens constituency 2015/2010 figures are:

                          2015                    2010

Labour              28654                 24128

Conservative       5090                   6064

Green                  3931                     980 

Lib Dem              1756                   7197

UKIP                    1512                     466

TUSC                   1324                   1057

Others                   291 (1 other)      795 (4 candidates)

Majority            23654                  16931

Turnout            42558  (60.1%)     40687 (58.2%)   Turnout up locally - and nationally.

I'm starting to have a bit of a different thought about the outcome.
With such a small majority, and no LibDem partners to rely on, the Conservatives are going to have to make some very uncomfortable deals with the NI nationalist parties to make sure they can get the next round of policies through parliament. The DUP have already said explicitly that they want very large sums of money for NI to ensure their cooperation, somewhere in the multiple billions of extra funding.
The NI nationalists are not known for their love of Westminster so I don't think that they will come to heel that easily.
As Labour are not the party of government they are now much freer to work with the SNP, disaffected Tories (Cameron does not enjoy universal adoration in his own party) and others to block some core Conservative policies.
I can also see a number of Conservative MP defecting to UKIP.. Only six defections would end the majority.
Another general election within 12 months?

Billy, when was the last time a 'left wing agenda' was put to the electorate. Not in my lifetime. I think it was 1945? The British public time and again come out in favour of the NHS, social housing, comprehensive free education, and publicly owned utilities. Yet these are rarely promoted in the media, if at all. Instead the media rails against immigrants, Muslims, benefit scroungers, instead of the bankers, tax havens(London is the tax dodge centre of the world) low pay etc. Political ideas are not a genetic inheritance but things which are shaped and formed by life experiences. One of the problems is that the Labour Party was so dazzled by Thatcher that they adopted her main policies, as they didnt have any of their own. All the main parties are 'empty shell'. The members have no say and all is tightly controlled at the centre. The Greens are the only party to have a leadership and policies decided on and voted for by the members.



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