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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

....... to have the BBC. An hour-long programme on Nietzsche about whom I knew nothing.

My world, my mind is just a little wider than it was this morning.

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It's an interesting series of 3 programmes. Last week's was on Marx (you can see it on catch up) and next week's on Freud.
What the programme called? Sounds great!
It's a series of 3 programmes on BBC4 called Genius of the Modern World. It's refreshing to have something challenging and thought provoking on TV
Thanks Michael will catch it on catch up.

What's your point John D?

The BBC is only doing the job it's paid to do. Yes, aren't we lucky we have Police, Teachers and all the rest too. It isn't the only Public TV & radio organisation in the world, ranks among the best, but isn't always the best. For example, services in Canada, Australia, NZ, Austria, Germany, France are just as good. They also provide what their home markets want and therefore are considered 'best' by the citizens in those countries.

Time to stop this delusional 'only what I know, is always best'.

Stephen, sorry but you sound like a bit of a Grinch here. John says something positive and you shoot him down. Yes this is what they are paid to do, but his point was thankfully we have a public broadcaster that is paid to do this in this country. None of the commercial channels would have touched this topic.

I saw only 15 mins of it but will get it on catch up- and I did not know there was on on Marx, that I hope to also catch up on.

Nevertheless Stephen was just putting it in context. The notion that we have the 'best' Public Service broadcaster, police, driving, health service etc, is not always true and only takes a narrow view. The BBC for instance has seriously declined as a news source and is inferior to Al Jazeera and RT for example. And the once seriously good World Service is now quite poor stuff. What I do like on BBC iplayer is the comedy shows which I often miss and would never get an airing on commercial radio.

Sure, but that is not what John said...

Look, do not get me wrong, all this "isn't our NHS brilliant" is rubbish, it is good at some things, and massively bloated, ineffectual and inefficient at others. What I saw in John's message was isn't it nice to actually have something genuinely original and thought provoking on TV...

'massively bloated'? perhaps with managers yes, but not in any other way..

That is exactly what I said Justin..

The BBC may have been excellent in the period that the Joan Bakewell 'Konmmilitonen' were producing programming. But that certainly isn't the case now. Perhaps that is what surprised John, the fact that something thoughtful came along. Compared to crappy dancing competitions, finding homes abroad (now a lost cause) or selling old tat out of the attic, suitably sickly nostalgic fiction or the endless Attenborough chronicles.. not to even mention cooking...   sure, something mind expanding.

As for @Michael's France Deux comment - every country has rubbish stations too. Doesn't mean you need to watch them. I would seriously recommend the joint French-German*** public broadcaster ARTE which outstrips BBC2 & BBC4 anyday  ..Here in English http://www.arte.tv/en/

*** Now with an Irish partnership..

with insights into other cultures and geo-political themes http://www.arte.tv/en/videos/RC-014036/mapping-the-world/

Stephen, have actually had to spend a rainy winter evening with nothing but France 2-5 and the execrable Bernard Pivot for company? A recipie for self destruction if there ever is as one!

@ Stephen

I didn't say the BBC was the best broadcaster in the world. And having worked for the European Broadcasting Union for ten years I'm well aware of what the other broadcasters do. But I can't watch them now so count myself lucky that I can watch BBC 4.



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