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select "comment on application"


Dear friends and neighbours,

The ongoing heartbreaking saga of WARDS CORNER continues ... Grainger recently submitted a THIRD application to demolish the whole area between seven sisters road, suffield road and west green road, crushing long-standing local businesses in our seven sisters community. The proposed monstrous structure will take away any sense of historical significance to the street, not to mention how generic the design is!!! We pride ourselves on local run business, we don't want McDonalds and Pizza Express!!! The shop rents will be far too high for any wiped-out business to return. A kind of social cleansing appears to be proposed.

TFL have now also opposed the plans citing structural risks to the underground system.

HARINGEY COUNCIL have arranged a meeting TOMORROW:

Wednesday 30 May 2012, 7pm, The Moselle
Room, Tottenham Town Hall, Town Hall Approach, Tottenham Green N15 4RY

This is our first and possibly last chance to address the many issues directly to GRAINGER and to our Council.

If you don't live in Seven Sisters, please consider coming along to show your support. I sense there will be a lot of disruption, even riots if this proposal goes ahead so it's in everybody's best interests to support the campaign against the development company.


Tags for Forum Posts: corner, council, meetings, seven, sisters, wards

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I believe good CAN come out of the opposition. The planning application has been turned down twice already and there is growing support against it. 

I appreciate your link to the Manchester story but we all know the rents will be extremely high in London, and far too high for the small businesses who currently reside in the market and along West Green Road. What about the people who've spent their lives making their homes along Suffield Road's victorian terrace??? Would you mind if someone said "sorry we're demolishing your house because we want to make money out of your land" ???

It's just NOT ON !!!

We're not talking one or two buildings here ~ it's 3 whole streets !!!

To some extent - I do agree to be fair. I hope that peoples lives who are affected by this are all taken into consideration and not only the rich developers and people who stand to make money from this.

The Seven Sisters tube station has I believe, one of the more shallow concourses in London, which potentially poses problems for structures above.

Since LUL raised concerns on 16 May, the local council appears to have leaned hard on London Underground:

Transport body withdraws safety objection to Wards Corner

What a difference a fortnight makes ...

I would agree with byl999.

My main concern about this whole Wards Corner thing is the lack of quality. We are promised a land mark building but is looks like any old block in the property section of the Standard, by an architectural firm no one has actually heard of, built in the fashion and materials of the day to minimum government eco standards yet sold as High Quality – err exactly where? Is there one gold brick buried in the basement? We are being sold the dream of regeneration through this design but history has shown us what will happen.

This site will be like Archway with its landmark building, done in the fashion and materials of the day, designed to create regeneration by creating a shopping centre with urban space. The area had a flash in the pan lift then started to rot – for ever. Now it is a laughing stock across the whole of London.

What do we definitely have now and what will be lost compared with the vague promises? We have a J Sainsbury to open in weeks. We have a growing Latin Market; love it or hate it is known across London for the right tourist site reasons. We have no empty shops units in the middle of a recession (except the burnt out shop owned by the developer) and we have London Underground asking the developer to get a move on as they have tenants waiting for the Wards Corner building. Plus we have the old buildings which form a cohesive terrace going up the High Road with the potential to be improved. Several units on site have done this year already and I see that optician on Seven Sisters Road got a make over last week.

I think most people including that Wards Corner Coalition lot want to see a quality building. Part restoration, using the best of what is there but with some high quality new build maybe in the back on Suffield.  We all want to see the blight caused by planning end but I can not see the Planning Department backing down from their 40 year old plan, after all they don not live here. They love being in control more than they fear the community and they do not fear the councillors so they can do want they like.

This needs to change so we need to get councillors with a positive quality vision and not 70’s thinking. Seven Sisters does not want to be Croydon as visioned by Niall Bolger nor do we want dead weight councillors who use the mayoral limo from their flat on Clyde Circus to the Arts centre or good ole how’s the Caribbean villa Sheila Peacock, with her everyone knows planning in Tottenham is done on the nod and her foolish those people remarks in front of a recording phone. I do wish that WCC lot released that one onto YouTube a viral best seller. Well Sheila get your mates to nod out the horrible Grainger plan and back to the drawing board as the massing is bad, the design not good enough, the sustainability level is not quality and London underground think the piling is a danger.

Time to make my way there. Crash helmet ready.

Sadly cameras and videos are banned, so those of you who don't come will miss any record of the fun.

Yes, Princess Di was always banning those pesky Cameras, no wonder she's not on the front of magazines all the time anymore...

Don't be a wuss, use your camera phone, more subtle.

I didn't attend last night, but I saw the following description from someone who did:


The Council run Development Management Forum for Grainger's resubmitted planning application for the Wards Corner site ended abruptly on Wednesday night. People walked out when it became clear there was no one present who could answer the audience's questions.
Two hundred people from many parts of Tottenham's local community came to express their views about this controversial proposal and have their questions answered. It became quickly apparent that Paul Smith, Haringey planning officer who chaired the meeting, and the representatives of the developer, were not going to address the legitimate and heartfelt concerns of residents and traders facing eviction.
Grainger did not send any of their senior development staff and the Council officers refused to answer why they are continuing to back this scheme when they are currently legally obliged to uphold their planning decision last year to refuse Grainger. Moaz Nanjuany, Chair of Tottenham Traders Association said 'I cannot understand how the Council  and Grainger can morally justify getting into bed together and going against public opinion again and again'.

Sadly i also could not attend as my mum was taken into intensive care yestoday morning and had to travel down to Sussex to attend to family matters. However, i was dismayed this morning to recieve the bullitin from the Wards Corner Community (statement copied in Clive's message) and to see Billy Hole's comment. This is absolutely DISGRACEFUL behaviour. I really do predict unrest in the community now, i am totally flabberghasted. Lost for words.

Grainger are 'sorry' questions left unanswered in Wards Corner meeting


David Walters is Sorry?! So sorry he didn't even turn up to the meeting! He has been at the previous development forum meetings, so why not this one? I don't think anyone from Grainger was actually present, just consultants (planning and PR agent). To borrow Billy's words - it really does stink.

VERBATIM from DMF held 30th May 
 Question session opened by P. Smith
Paul Smith I will get around around to everybody so do be patient. It’s a big meeting and that will take a little bit of time. It won't necessarilly be fair because I wiil pick people at random so be patient if you can. Two colleagues will go around with mics one in each end>>
I notice Councilor Schmitz has put his hand up so give him the mic.>>
Cllr Schmitz question Thank you. I just have a question for the officers of the Council in this matter. Do you accept that your role in the case of the appeal is loyally to uphold the decision of the planning committee  that refused the scheme and that, that being the case, can you explain why it is where in the past year no major application but one has been dealt with within 13 weeks of it being submitted, we are now dealing with an application within 6 weeks of it being submitted. Inaudible>>Applause! ...if this application goes through, it suceeds, that thereafter the appeal will become moot and therefore a fully argued procedure which would result in a full argument,  a reasonable judgement that would be non-political, will be entirely political and as is born out by the fact that if the last session is to act as guide, the Planning Committee will be graced by the presence of the Labour chief whip.>>
 Paul Smith's answer Thank you for that question Councillor.>> applause. This is a meeting where the applicants present their scheme and you ask them (stressed) questions and expect answers from them. So you will not expect answers from me about that at this meeting. Thank you very much.>>

I attended part of this meeting last night (I missed the start as the venue had already reached it's 250 capacity, and a one in one out policy was in operation).

I'm a local resident, and went because I wanted to find out more about plans for the local area. Unlike many people there my home or livelihood will not be affected by the plan, so I would say I'm fairly neutral. 

I have to say I was ASTONISHED by the behavior of the council. They had clearly engineered the meeting to fail. As has been mentioned- Grainger's representative answered each question with 'I'm not the person to answer that' or 'I don't have those details to hand'. To attend the meeting without basic details about house leases will operate, or what current traders will be offered in terms of sq ft. smacks of contempt for the people you are speaking to. 

Most shocking was the behavior of the council, who seemed to dismiss each question, encourage Grainger's rep not to answer, and deliberately antagonize the room until the meeting was no longer viable.

If anyone could confirm the name of the council chap at the front- I'd be grateful. I'm told that was Mr Smith- the head of planning? Is this correct? I ask because I saw him seriously man handle an attendee, to the extent I feel I need to report it to the council.


The local press have both produced pretty shameful reports, they must get lots of advertising from LBH. Here's the Tottnm Journal opener: "Council staff were forced to flee a meeting to discuss controversial regeneration plans in Tottenham last night, as angry crowds launched a frenzied protest inside the historic town hall."  This is close to libel.  and "As Mr Smith attempted to leave the meeting through a side door, crowds wrestled with him to prevent him closing the door." This is not what Tilly above reports.  Makes me embarrassed to carry an NUJ press card.

Of course people are angry. We were treated with utter contempt by Paul Smith, who ran the meeting like a failed head teacher (he's taken lessons from a veteran councillor?) - 'I'm going to give you three warnings....'  patronising crap. The meeting was set up to fail. The agent (why would a developer need an agent?) knew f-all about the details of the scheme. Haringey Council FAIL. 



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