Thanks to the Gardens Residents' Association for the following update:
The Green Lanes Festival committee attended by Cllr Canver (Chair) - Council Officers - Reps from Woodlands Park Res Assoc / LCSP / GRA / HOL the Green Lanes N4 Traders Assoc have agreed a date of Sun 18th Sept 11. The council still hopes to go ahead with this although this is not certain because of the financial situation and the fact that there will be fewer staff at the council as Dasos's Neighbourhoods Team is going by the end of March 2011. This means the Festival committee will need to be taking on more responsibility than the last time.
The festival in 2009 cost approx £45,000, some of which was funded by the council by the Traders Assoc, sponsorship by local traders, and grants secured by the GRA and LCSP, plus income from the stalls and lots and lots of volunteer time by many many people.
There was a small overspend of approx £750. The committee have agreed It is essential that the 2011 festival makes a profit / break even, and it has been agreed that more will be charged to stall holders and they will be required to provide a higher standard of food than last time.
It is hoped that the two pubs, the Salisbury and the Old Ale Emporium, which are at either end of the “festival” will each sponsor 2 stages at either end of Green Lanes.
Local residents and traders need to raise at least £15,000 to pay for street entertainment, children’s activities Stages etc. Money also needs to be found to pay a project manager.
The GRA has suggested a "Green Theme for the festival ie “Make Green Lanes greener and cleaner” or " The Greening of Green Lanes" in the broadest sense of the word.
The council’s “Making the difference” funding stream has now closed and we will have to look to other funders to secure grants. Many funders have an ecological stream at the moment, along with creating a cohesive community, so this looks promising.
The GRA are proposing an idea to have 4 different children’s areas, for childrens activities of different ages, each led by professionals and with volunteers representing one of the residents groups
ie GRA, Ladder Community Safety Partnership, Harringay Online and Woodlands Residents Association. so everyone can have a chance to contribute to the event via there residents group.
All of these ideas are still at an early stage. The Children's / Family activitites would be based this time in the centre of the festival set back into 2 Ladder roads and 2 Gardens roads
This is a work in progress and I am in the process of working / talking to schools / nurseries and other organisations and looking at funding
If you have any ideas on funding streams please let me know
Andy Newman - ( Gardens Residents Assoc) GRA
Organising Committee
Note from Hugh:I'm taking a back seat in things this year, but I'm keen that local opinion should help shape the festival. Any thoughts about what you'd want to see included? Any offers? Any suggestions?