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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Update from Sustainable Haringey Transport:

"TfL held a consultation meeting about the proposed Crossrail 2 underground line on 12th October. There are two branches in Haringey. One would come to the surface at Tottenham Hale and then serve stations along the Lea Valley. The other, remaining underground, would serve a station at Seven Sisters and then run either via Turnpike Lane and Alexandra Palace or via Wood Green. This consultation only concerned Turnpike Lane, Alexandra Palace and Wood Green. There is to be a further session to consider Seven Sisters and Tottenham Hale. The timescale for the line is for construction during 2020s and to be open by 2030.

"TfL have already ‘safeguarded’ the route. This means that owners of properties within about 100 metres of the proposed line will need to notify TfL of any changes they propose to make to their property. TfL concerns are mostly to do with proposals to excavate foundations etc for large developments and should not affect smaller changes. Prospective buyers of property would need to be informed that the property is within the safeguarded area. If there is any evidence of blight as a result there is a mechanism for compensation. People within the safeguarded area have already been informed.

"TfL also have the power to compulsorily acquire property which they need to build the line. In most cases they will only require it during construction and then are obliged to restore it to its owner in its original condition. One site which is going to be used is in Ermine Road, South Tottenham, where they are storing material and digging a ventilation shaft. There might also be a need for a site in the West Green area if the Wood Green route is chosen (rather than Turnpike Lane and Alexandra Palace) but where this might be has not been decided. None of the sites mentioned appear to involve residential property.

"Attendees at the meeting were shown the work needed around the three stations:

"Turnpike Lane station would be expanded involving some changes to the bus station. It would also involve acquiring the shops on the corner of Westbury Avenue and Langham Road. It is also proposed to acquire the BHS store on the corner of the High Road and Whymark Avenue for the purpose of digging a ventilation shaft. Most of this site would be given back when the work is finished.

"Alexandra Palace station would be underneath the present main line station with an expanded entrance using the small shops and restaurants immediately to the south of the present entrance. It is also proposed to use some of Avenue Gardens for storage. ‘Most of’ Avenue Gardens would be restored after construction is finished.

"If the line serves Wood Green instead of Turnpike Lane and Alexandra Palace it is proposed to acquire the whole of the site bounded by the High Road, Buller Road, Redvers Road and Lordship Lane, including the cinema. Again most of it would be returned when work is finished.

"It’s early days yet. There is plenty of opportunity for protests and changes."

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Thank you FPR, I was beginning to think that people didn't take me seriously and thought that I was just being negative or bloody minded.

In fact, I'm pro public transport wherever it is - I don't own a car, do have use of a company car and I'm also joined up with a car sharing scheme. I always have felt that this NW branch of CR2 was a publicity stunt, just to prove that money was being funnelled into Haringey ex-riots. It just never stood up as being a viable idea to me.

The proposal to connect Seven Sisters and South Tottenham is frankly wonderful. I'd personally like to see it go from SS to Ally Paly but I think the Council would like to see a station right outside its offices.



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