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Unsociable impact of Finsbury Park Events on Stroud Green Residents

I have to post here to make some noise about the absolute antisocial nuisance of FPark events where I live. 

Let me start by saying I have lived here for 33 years and NEVER experienced the debacle that is the cack-handed organisation of Haringey licensing.

The so called 'brains' behind this have decided to implement a taxi/minicab/uber pick up point on Osbourne Road Stroud Green Road - which has had a dreadful impact on all the surrounding residential homes - up to 18 vehicles, stopping on the main road, disrupting traffic flow, 3 point turns in the middle of the road, stopping on the main road ie  parking up and waiting, a snaking traffic line around the very small one way system in front of small parade of shops underneath heavily populated flats and surrounding flat (which are people's homes!!). Both Friday 29 June and Sat 1 July the aggressive traffic of these cabs was relentless and I didn't get to sleep until 3am Friday, on Saturday 2am - HOW DARE HARINGEY BULLY RESIDENTS INTO THIS IMPACT ON OUR LIVING STANDARDS. 

This is NOT O2 Arena, nor Wembley or Glastonbury - this park is being turned into an income revenue and quite frankly DAMN the residents - with absolutely NO RESPECT and CONSIDERATION shown to people who live here.

Who in their infinite 'wisdom' thought creating this as the cab pick up point was a 'good' idea - is it because it is social housing and flats above shops ie rented - so they can just disregard and disrespect our rights? 

I telephoned @ 3 times Friday, young lady very pleasant, was promised a call back Saturday - guess what - nothing! I had to phone again twice from 4 pm regarding non existent call back - clearly shows they do not give a damn.

Finally Bale Garret called from Haringey Licensing and of course I was irate, as no one bothered to return a courtesy call, I had to chase them. Her communication manner was quite aggressive, yet she accused me of me defensive - guess what I am defensive, against my quality of life being aggressively impacted upon for events that do not benefit the community, but quite the opposite, causes problems.

I was promised the cab pick up point would cease at midnight and guess what - complete rubbish! I had to put up with honking horns from cabs, cabs descending on the pick up point, what seemed to be touting for business, shouting to people waiting to be picked up - all in the early hours of the morning ie from midnight to 2am.

I phoned the Haringey line again, and again the nice young Becky did her best, but the real power, complete dereliction of duty. No one in place to enforce the midnight cut off - again, where is the so called 'brains' of this operation??? they all baled out, and left no enforcement.

What I couldn't understand is I say a few plain clothes men randomly checking cab documents, and they were out after midnight, supposedly the cut off point, so why did they not tell cabs to vacate the area.

Stroud Green Road is NOT Holloway Road, it is a small local high street, and quietens down at night, hence loads of people live above shops.

This is unacceptable, and next weekend will be the same, cause these Haringey organisers will not pull their finger out to  correct this nuisance, why, because they don't give a damn.

The pick up should be the busy area of Manor House or FPark Station or as I suggested the bus terminal for W7, W3 and 210. Recently the W3 bus lane at the terminus was resurfaced, so a bus stop outside café and car wash was utilised. this means the 210 could be moved there as the pick up point and the cabs could use the 210 lane in the bus terminal - WITH staff to control flow of cabs and traffic.

There is also the 4,19, 236 and 106 terminus - again designated points for black cabs, so TFL Public Carriage Office should make either of these the preferred pick up points for cabs - created for traffic, not where residents homes are!

The plus point is this terminus is not surrounded by home and if staffed properly, would not cause problems.

Personally, turning Finsbury Park into a music event is a relentless impact on residents.

There is also the amount of rubbish left from people waiting at the parade of shops, near Osbourne Road, which was left and not cleaned up.

So you can see the 'benefit' to an ordinary resident - none at all....

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Good idea about using the bus terminals as cab pick up points. The only problem I could see is if the bus stations are used for night buses, but a great idea none the less.
I’m a bit curious as to why the cab pick up is so far from the park . I thought they locked the pedestrian bridge to keep people away from Stroud green.
And you right.... if they said that all ‘cabs gone by midnight’ there doesn’t seem to be an excuse for not making that happen.

——being a bit, mmmmm ok , well cheeky —— Future FP events should be a lot better for Stroud green once you’ve set up your area forum and annexed the park. You could then Enforce an access only from Manor House for the events and use Green lanes (Manor House to endimion) as the cab rank.

Great idea about the bus stations though. Absolutely brilliant. TFL take note!

Just had another idea ,

The Homebase (green lanes) carpark could also serve as a cab pickup point. It’s no further away from the park has a 24hr Muccy D, so cab interiors could still be decorated intransit, and that could share out the inconvenience a bit more. 

If they swapped them arround from event to event no one would have to put up with what you have on a weekly basis.

On the whole though I’m not against the festivals, the parks need to be funded some how and in the absence of central government funding for councils and no council tax rises in the pipeline I don’t really see many other options. 


Thanks for the support - and yes, I think sharing the load to designated points that have been specifically built in non residential densely populated areas specific for business purposes is the 'common sense' option - although, who on earth designated Osbourne Road needs an IQ test and revaluation of their credentials for the job.

I understand your argument regarding funding of Park and our wonderful govt cuts - but, the balance has to be what kind of events, and do they work appropriately and with consideration to the area and the all important 'residents' - who pay council tax, for what, to be put upon.

They have extended these 'festivals' in a densely populated area, and not paid attention to impact, even though rightly, you earmark Manor Hse  Haringey Park mini shopping estate - but again, they will need to hire stewards, to ensure, inevitable, inebriated festival goers, keep noise down, responsible behaviour, no cabs hooting horns, shouting etc.

I witnessed, drunk festival goers running into road - the whole situation was an accident waiting to happen.

But yes, I will proffer your suggestion of Homebase and pray to heaven I'm met with a 'can do attitude' and not a 'no that can't … blah blah blah'.

but again thanks for support and your comment, and yes I hear you re festivals and funding. Like you I don't want to be a party pooper, but when it has not been thought through properly - the lack of intellect re the planning gets my blood boiling, because then we have to suffer.

Tonight, may be a little different as it is a community day but next week with STORMZY (who I like) but the hordes of people and cab traffic again, I know nothing will be implemented before next week to halt this - but then, who knows, fingers crossed. someone may read this.

Seriously? You don't think that doubling up the stations as taxi ranks might cause just a few problems what with the thousands of other people already going to these terminals to catch the Tube or night bus after an event has kicked out? 

Hi Abi, 

yes I am serious... there is already a black cab point at the front of FPark stn, if you read my suggestion, you may understand it better. And as I have lived here for over 33 years, there are not thousands of people, it is doable.

Sad to read the unhelpful tone of your post. 

Not intending to be unhelpful at in the slightest. I was talking about the number of people using the stations during festivals, which I had assumed was the context of the suggestion about cab ranks. Normally I agree it would make sense to have taxi ranks in these spots.

... I suggest you contact your councillor to make your views known... I agree that there's too many festivals in the park but Claire Kober has left an unwelcome legacy...

Just to let you know I have read this thread and will be raising it with the Licensing Team.


Zena Brabazon
Cllr, Harringay Ward

Thank you Zena,

Happy to speak with people and make suggestions, and maybe you can feedback the other suggestion re cab pick up point being Homebase - clearly laid out for traffic and no adverse affect on residents, as it is a busy thoroughfare anyway.

Whatever way, they need better organisation and stewards, if they want to put on music festivals with 45k crowd attendance and not just sign off and go home to sleep then leave residents to suffer...

Again, many thanks.

Thanks Zena. While you are at it perhaps you can raise the issue of extending CPZ hours on the Ladder. To be honest there has been very little notification of the increased hours. The only thing we got was a flyer headed Wireless or something similar (not obviously from the council) and its only if you read the whole of a v wordy 4 page document that it becomes apparent that the hours will be increasing.

Why should residents bear the increased cost of having to suppy extra parking permits to visitors? Flyer notification on lamp post is insufficient as some homes are some way from a lamp post - like a neighbour this weekend, an older lady who had no idea about the concerts in FP and came out on Sunday morning to find not one but two parking fines on her daughter’s car. The daughter had been visiting and was visibly distressed by finding the two fines which she will struggle to pay.  

These concerts are disadvantaging residents on every level. What are your views on the extended CPZ and extra cost to residents issue?

I would have thought that unless they cover up the permanent parking hours' notices, they would take precedence. I would contest the PCN.

You know what? I would prefer longer CPZ hours. I would like it to be in operation up until 8pm at night and all day on Sundays.



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