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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

"Ok, That's it. I'm putting the heating on" declared a tweeter 12 days ago.

Have to admit, mornings and evenings are jumper weather and and those autumn winds are starting to bite. Meanwhile energy prices are likely to rise sharply for many households this winter.

There are some simple ways you keep your bills down. Here's the top 10 ways to save energy this winter that take no energy at all:

1) Turn down your thermostat by 1 degree - this could save you £70 per year.
2) Switch off rather than leave on standby - and save £50 per year.
3) Switch your electricity supplier - could save you at least £100 each year
4) Draughtproof your windows and doors - costs just £10 per window if you do it yourself.
5) Close your curtains at dusk
6) Take showers rather than baths
7) Put lids on saucepans when cooking
8) Use a microwave to heat up pre-cooked food
9) Boil just the water you need in the kettle rather than fill it
10) Find out more about energy saving at local workshops running during October!

The 100 Homes project can help you to save money this winter.

Why not come along to one of the workshops in the neighbourhood to find out how: 

  • Monday 8th October 7.30 - 9.30 pm Easy Energy-Saving Turkish Cypriot Community Association 628-630 Green Lanes, N8 0SD
  • Tuesday 16th October 7.30 - 9.30pm DIY Draughtproofing In a local home (contact mary@mhsgroup.org for more details)
  • Monday 22nd October 7.30 - 9.30pm Boilers, Insulation and Heating Controls Noel Park Children's Centre 223 Gladstone Avenue, N22 6LD

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A curtain across your front door and draught excluders also help ime.

I have switched suppliers twice in the past few years - both times I have actually ended up paying the same or more despite going through price comparison websites.

And if I turn down my thermostat any further, I might as well climb in to the fridge!

Something I always wonder about is having the heater on a timer (on in the morning and evening, off during the day) vs. having it on low all the time during winter, so the house doesn't have to "warm up".

I assume that when the heating kicks in, it takes more power to get going than if it was at a constant? But does that offset the savings of having it off for several hours in the middle of the day?

No. What you have to think about is heat loss, which is proportional to temperature above the surroundings.

So if you have heating on all day, you lose ( and pay for ) more energy while you are out than if you switched it off. Apart from your comfort when you came in, " warming up " is irrelevant.



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