Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As an outcome of the previous discussion on women's safety, I have set up this post as a place to report any incidents you experience; this means that we will have a concrete record of where incidents occur, who it is and what kinds of harassment are happening.

Please use this thread only for posting reports so that we have a manageable record that can be presented to the local police, which many of us agreed would be helpful (for them and for us).

Also, if you can remember any recent incidents that you think are relevant, please post these too, even though they have already occurred.

When posting, it will be useful to record, where possible:
  • Where the incident occurred (which street, outside a particular shop or bar?)
  • What the culprit looked like (age, race, clothes, accent, distinguishing features? Were they alone or was it a group?)
  • What exactly they did or said (words used etc.)
I hope this thread goes some way to feeling that we are taking the first steps towards making our experiences more widely known; if the police can see exactly what is happening, they can begin to look at this problem more closely. As someone pointed out in the women's safety post, there is also no reason to hesitate in reporting an unpleasant experience to the SNT or your local PCSO, who will also make a record of your complaint.

Tags for Forum Posts: personal safety, sexual harassment, women

Views: 488

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Gunner crew member John Mc : ''have located a halfway house for ex-offenders and addicts, over''.
Captain of the destroyer 'NIMBY' : ''Attack attack attack !!! ''
If only I'd used Googlemaps in the first place.
Simply put, without humour we are all lost.

Alan, no one here is belittling the seriousness of the situation -I think that's quite apparent.

And you've taken a thought of mine and blown it up way out of all proportion. I merely raised the pertinent point that incidents have exploded over the past few months. It's a case for either deduction or assuming that coincidence has gone crazy.

And from my own personal experience, that of my partner's and my flatmates I beg to differ with your assertion that the current level of sexual harrassment is consistent over many years. We've had three rapes in as many months for a start. Maybe I've had my head in the sand but in my time here I've never come across anything like this.

You almost seem to be suggesting we should not take umbrage with the police or authorities based on the fact they've always been rubbish. That may well be the case; maybe now is the time for us to start affecting change in attitudes?
I note that this thread has drifted someway from its original intention outlined by Jen above.

It strikes me there are a number of things that can be done offline to tackle this issue and bring it to the police's attention

1. When the Women's Personal Safety happens, try to attend in large numbers, invite friends and neighbours who have complained of the same thing. This will at the very least allow the police to record strength of feeling. I think it is very important that both men and women attend the meeting since a number of the reports on here have been made by men as happening to their loved ones and friends. This is clearly an issue for all.

2. The SNT regularly ask for people to register via email or survey what they think the ward priorities for policing should be, often they find it hard to get people to respond. If everyone who has contributed or is reading this post registers that they want tackling street harrassment as their no 1 priority, then it will focus SNT on it.

3. All reports of threatening behaviour should be reported to the police and logged. If the police are not informed that anti social behavior is happening on the street, this makes it harder for them to build a case for issuing asbos or increasing patrols.

4. The monthly meeting of the Ladder Community Safety Partnership has regular police attendance and crime figures for the Harringay ward are reported. You can talk directly to a police officer

5. The police hold regular surgeries. Attend them and tell them your concerns.

6. The police also attend Area Assembly. At the last meeting, although the personal safety classes were promoted, nobody from the residents or cllrs present raised this issue of street harrassment. In past meetings, I have mentioned young women being hassled for money and the chair Gina Adamou asked police to look into it. Clearly it is a subject that needs to be pursued again

7. Which leads me to my final suggestion, write to your local councillors and to Ms Nilgun Canver about your concerns and keep a record of their responses. Gina Adamou has been made aware of this via Area Assembly. Nilgun Canver is cabinet member for enforcement, other cllrs on this thread have been made aware and pledged support.

If this is a problem that is blighting your experience of living on the area, then it is up to enforcement to solve the problem. It should not make people move away from the area, why should scummy low lifes drive you away from your home but, like most problems, unless we the residents make a clamour about it, it won't get fixed.
Thanks, Liz. Where is it possible to obtain a timetable of police surgeries?
At the bottom of their web pages:

Harringay SNT

St Ann's SNT
sorry, point 1 should read Women's Personal safety meeting
So are we intending for the Police to lock up men who whisper obscenities into a young lady's ear at the corner shop?

I really think we're on our own on this one and I'm very sorry for taking this thread off topic, it was doing well. Perhaps we can just delete all these off topic posts...
No we are not intending that the police 'lock up' people for it last I heard that was not a custodial offence but if the police are not aware that women are being harrassed there is no chance that they will take action on it.

The person in question may be known to the police, he may be doing this to a lot of people, it may be that his behaviour could become more serious if he is not challenged early on about it.

I have just come off the phone from David Lammy's office, they are doing their level best to broker a meeting and to get more information about the investigations into the rapes. They are finding it difficult for a number of reasons but one thing did strike me as odd and troubling. The local SNTs are not aware that this is a problem because they are not receiving the intelligence to suggest it is. So, if this an overweening concern for a large number of people in the area, then those concerned people should know that the people who have the power to do something about it, don't know that.

The reason prostitution is number three on their list of issues is because THEY SAY it attracts men to the area who hassle women thinking that they are street prostitutes.
Where have you got that information from re what they say? It is important as I am collating evidence about this issue for the meeting and if you have a published source where they acknowledge that women are hassled on the street it is useful 'ammo'
I have begun the collating of questions from this thread over to a new thread here.

Please add new questions you would like raised with police to it and not to this thread which was started for use as a place for sharing incidents of harassment and which it would be useful if people stuck to as it makes it easier to collate and share information.



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