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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Is it just me or is anyone else sick of the same thing:

I am sick of paying taxes only to see my roads covered in litter, bins overflowing, people speeding like mad down every road, people cycling on the pavements like no one cares, and cctv only being used to fine people who have parked incorrectly, rather than being used to do some good. I am also SICK of signs plastered everywhere, I wish they would just do the job and stop talking about it (or wasting money on signs).

They are also turning Wood Green high street into nothing but a string of betting shops and pound lands.

What I am most sick of is paying taxes only to see the woman 3 doors down from me, living on benefits and having her drug dealer visit every other day. Great use of council funds!

Who are they working for and who do they answer to?

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I just wanted to share a good news story about a (former) refugee.

I had to deal with a colleague on Tuesday saying "there's been a big earthquake in New Zealand. They're evacuating people". He swore that it was only two hours previously. Really made me panic and check the news again. But he'd been reading old news (albeit posted two hours previously, on whatever site he was reading). This guy has form for mansplaining my own country to me.

I work in a charity supporting homeless people to access healthcare - a significant proportion of my volunteers are asylum seekers.  They are volunteering because they feel strongly that they want to give something back and help the community they are settling in.  Far from having 'no known skills' all of them had jobs an careers back in the countries they've been forced to flee from - however the government has ruled that it is illegal for them to do paid work until their asylum claim has been processed (which can take years).  You might be interested to know that my project saves the NHS a considerable amount of money - therefore this particular set of Asylum seekers are working for free and saving the tax payer cash

Looks like - on his first UK stopover - POTUS 45 will be welcomed to Harringay.

I think you could do with a good holiday, Sofia

I welcome the Syrian refugees being resettled in Haringey. And I am no fan of the council, but year-on-year budget cuts from central government do have a serious impact on the council's ability to deliver basic services, including street cleaning. 40% budget cut on the way next year - so you've got what you wanted, the council are getting a lot less tax money now. Council tax won't even begin to cover the shortfall. 

The benefit cap is also being lowered. Wet can't have the undeserving poor being able to afford basic food supplies now.

They could always increase council tax, but they won't.

Because people like Sofia would complain.
Often the level of grant from central government is conditional on the council freezing council tax or limiting increases. I don't know what the current situation is in Haringey.

I welcome refugees but I also welcome Sofia - many people must share her views - she is an unheard voice on this site and I guess in Haringey generally.

It seems clear to me that Sofia has not had time to consider all the facts and that, if she had, it might ease her heart.  We are much, much better off than we've ever been, regulation is much more effective (we're probably the most regulated country), waste is far less than it ever was and we're rich enough to share our wealth.

The big thing I hope you accept, Sofia, is that however terrible things are, whilst ordinary people do nothing about it, thinks can only get worse. If it makes you angry, use that anger, don't suffer from it.

The people to also be angry at are the vast majority here who could not be bothered to even vote - they clearly are happy to see you suffer and won't lift a finger to help.  We collectively can completely replace the Council if we want, but we don't so we only have ourselves to blame. Look what just happened in the US - people like you got so fed up they kicked the old lot out and replaced them.

Don't get mad - get even.

At no point have I mentioned refugees in this post and I am not referring to anything related to refugees.

If you want to voice your opinion of refugees then start your own discussion. This post is in reference to the council wasting money, please don't assume that the woman 3 doors down from me is a refugee. She is not. I think your assumptions show more about you then they do about my post.

Yes, that was Knavel.

Do you have the Our Haringey app Sofia?  Have you ever reported the overflowing bins etc?

Elsewhere on here people have discussed Haringey's contract with Kingdom to increase litter enforcement - hopefully that will see some culture change because I agree, the litter situation in Haringey is pretty awful.

With drivers speeding down every road I don't really blame cyclists for cycling on the pavement as long as they do so carefully.  I was witness to a hit and run (driver v cyclist) the other week.  The cyclist was ok but it could have been so much worse.

Rules on CCTV are quite strict - I wasn't aware of it being used to fine people for parking incorrectly.  Unless you mean parking on red routes which has nothing to do with the council, it's a TFL matter and a safety concern.



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