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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A number of HOL contributors have suggested that there is a need for a Harringay Ladder Residents Association (RA) - in particular so that those residents can be represented on, or have access to, various Haringey Council Groups, such as the Finsbury Park Stakeholders Group; and can also present a united front to the Council on matters such as parking, rubbish collection, developments, etc as well as promoting appropriate cultural events.

Membership would presumably be open to residents aged over 16 within the following boundaries:

       Green Lanes West, from Endymion Rd to Turnpike Lane

       Turnpike Lane South, from Green Lanes to Wightman Rd 

       Both sides of Wightman Rd and Alroy Rd

       Endymion Rd

As a first step, it will be necessary to assemble a group of interested people to form an interim committee to discuss what form the RA should take and to agree a constitution, after which the RA can be formally established ( to be effective, an RA has to conform to various legal  requirements ) . It would be necessary at an early stage to consider whether the proposed Ladder RA would conflict with any other RAs in the catchment area.

I would like to hear from anyone who is prepared to take part in this initial work ( and it will involve work ) by email to macbeast76@hotmail.com,. Please give full name and your preferred email address and outline any special areas of expertise that could be useful to the RA.

If you have read this far, thank you for your interest

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Don't get bogged down or side tracked by the "self appointed" and "not representative" type comments. Most community groups don't have a particularly diverse or large number of active members. Whats more important is that everyone feels they have something that represents their views and gives them a voice, and if that takes multiple different community groups whats wrong with that? In fact, its probably better than trying to force people with divergent views to all be in the same group as then its too hard to get agreement to do anything. If you guys can get a handful of people together and start doing things then you're every bit as valid as the other groups IMHO.


“I think that a body like the LSCP might find it difficult to publicly say that it think Haringey have got it wrong and to campaign for change.”

Can you please substantiate this statement, and provide the evidence you have, to back it up.

If you are trying to suggest that the LCSP is anything other than an independent, constituted body run by volunteer residents, I think we deserve to know.

The LCSP meets monthly (apart from August). It is open to all residents of the Ladder and minutes of it’s meetings are available on request to Ladder residents and interested parties via an email to - lcsp@blueyonder.co.uk -

In an earlier post you try to suggest that the LCSP would not lobby for changes with domestic waste  collection, “it’s simply not in it’s remit”. Please allow me to quote from the minutes of the LCSP meeting held 7pm on May 8th at Harringay United Church Hall: -

“Residents went on to express serious concerns at the state of many front ‘gardens’ in HMO/subdivided properties, which were not only unsightly, but also presented a health and safety hazard.

   The Chair advised residents to contact LBH directly, via our Neighbourhood Officer, John Forde, who will in turn, be able to trace and contact the absentee landlord, and ensure that dumped items are duly removed. (john.forde@haringey.gov.uk or telephone 020 8489 1901).”  

Everybody is concerned, dismayed and frustrated about the amount of rubbish in the Ladder, there is no complacency, however available resources are limited as I’m sure you are aware. As yet nobody has designed the silver bullet to resolve the problem, but maybe that could be you.

I am a Ladder resident like yourself and have been aware of the LCSP for the past 15 years. I attend the monthly meetings whenever I can. It campaigns on many community issues including planning & HMOs, licensing applications, tree planting and community safety as well as waste & refuse.

You might ask for a copy of the recent annual report to see the issues that have been covered by the LCSP over the past 12 months.

I’m sure, that like me, you would be most welcome to input your current concerns with a body that gets it’s hands dirty and attempts to make real difference in the neighbourhood.

Fresh blood? You mean new members but I think you were right with "fresh blood". I have personally never had a bad experience at one of their meetings and stopped going simply because I felt I had nothing to offer.
So the question of inclusivity remains. Anyone can go to an LCSP meeting, 7pm a particular Thursday every month and down the bottom of the ladder so accessible to anyone. The thing is, not many people do go. Some have families to feed at that time, some have taken some stick at meetings in the past and won't attend, some don't even know it exists. Now apart from the dinner time argument you cold say those things about HoL. The thing is, HoL is far more inclusive because it reaches far more people. At a time and place convenient to them.
As someone said earlier, we put all that effort into electing ward councillors so they can do that.

You can chair a forum post too, Jonny; it's called moderating. So if someone were to want to 'chair' a meeting for a particular group, they can have the 'keys to the building' for their particular 'rooms'.

What sadly often happens is that many local groups tend to form around cliques where there is broad agreement around many issues. That makes consensus much more straightforward. This has its strengths in that it's easier to make headway, but it does also tend to guarantee a minimum level of representativeness.

Truly representative democracy tends to be messy. Witness any number of national parliaments and the bickering and outright warfare that goes on there. For me, that's okay as long as a certain level of civility is maintained.

BTW have you been to any public meeting recently to witness the bickering that happens?

Have you been to an Area Assembly for our neighbourhood? They make HoL look genteel!

Why are residents associations considered evil? Our's is quite good and works together on a lot of initiates that help our neighbourhood and encourage people to be more neighbourly.

I think it's only me that considers them evil. My example is the GRA which appropriates a disproportionate amount of available funding "because they put the work in" and plays beggar thy neighbour with traffic issues.
Must have missed that one. I did vote recently in a local election but not in any other as far as I can recall.

So nobody ( apart from two - you know who you are  ) is interested enough to help ?



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