Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I just got a new broadband router, and saw on the packaging that Virgin are part of a scheme to encourage recycling. I know there are obligations under the Waste Electronics directive with respect to old kit, but they directed me to this web site to find a site to deposit the old modem.

I thought I would have to schlep up to Hornsey, but apparently I can leave the unit somewhere near Finsbury Park. Result.


I will let you know if it does not work...

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there is an electronics recycling bank in Sainsburys car park - they only take small things though - hairdryers, mobile phones, toasters, kettles, mp3 players etc.  

Not batteries- but there is a battery bin near customers services inside Sainsburys although it is nearly always full.

FYI, there's also one for compact fluorescent bulbs there too - and I think there is actually a battery one among the main recycling bins.

NB - the main reason why electrical equipment, bulbs and batteries are being recycled rather than landfilled is EU legislation. It wasn't so clever to dump all those valuable materials in a hole in the ground...

The one thing I can't find a recycling outlet for is printer ink cartridges - Haringey don't take them.

I know. I tried collecting printer cartridges with a  view to getting them recyled and with a view to being paid for the effort. There are a lot of companies out there that actually buy in used toner and inkjet cartridges. There was a discussion in March or so on the topic of their use. So, I got a box to collect them in the Nursery at S. Harringay, and when I came to try to send them to the relevant organsiations I found I could only sent some of one kind to one company, and some of another to another company. If I sent any that was not on their list they might even charge me. It was not a simple process I can tell you. I have to admit my efforts to raise money for the PSA this way did not get far!

Is there an easier way?

put "charity toner cartridges" into google and take your pick of convenient ones for you




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