Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello everyone,

An update from your local policing team:

We have been carrying out warrants on addresses in the ladder in the last month, with 3 carried out so far with numerous arrests.

We could not do the warrants without vital help from our community so thank you everyone for the reports you have sent us. The more information we get, the more work we can do around warrants.

We are targeting the criminals in our community but it is slow work. You may not see us but we are around and in our community. Sometimes in plain clothes, other times you may have just missed us.

Our extensive work at targeting the drug dealers on our ward should hopefully improve most of our problems around the ladder as the ASB is linked to drugs.

If the drugs aren’t as easy to get on the ladder, the users are less likely to come here.

Our contact details:

If you would like to speak to us in person, please stop us in the street or come to a contact point.

email: Harringay.SNT@met.police.uk

If you have twitter, please follow us : @MPSHarringay

We try to update twitter daily with everything we're doing.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for the update.

Yes appreciate the update, many thanks.

Thanks for this update

Perhaps our local bobby could let us know why this evening one of their helicopters was above Harringay from about 9.10pm (still at it as I write) making a hell of noise.  It better be for a serious reason.

Respectfully, the police don't owe you an explanation - they are stretched enough to have to answer to every concern about why doing their job causes you inconvenience.


What about the sunk cost of owning the helicopter? You need to buy it, maintain it and hire the pilots before you go paying for fuel. They're dangerous things to have hovering over cities as they have a single point of failure. Once you own it, there's pressure to use it, even at £300 per hour.

Hahahahaha great response. I thought about writing back outlining the inappropriateness and fallacy of the argument but what’s the point...

Indeed Tris.  For me the inconvenience of being stabbed somewhat outweighs that of helicopter noise

Totally agree Michael. It's not the fault of the police that the helicopter is overhead: it's the fault of the criminal.

Some people complain about everything.

The air ambulance doesn't spend lots of time hovering over cities. It is also demonstrably used to save lives nearly every time it is used. The police helicopter can be replaced with a very quiet camera drone, the air ambulance cannot. It's understandable that you think "air ambulance" = "police helicopter" but it's not right.

They can sell their helicopters. Lots of public assets are being sold but those are actually WORTH selling.



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