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Private Uniformed Officers to Police Litterbugs and Fly-Tippers in Haringey


People who litter in Haringey are to  face tougher enforcement action as part of a new trial announced by the Council last week.

During a nine month trial starting on 21st of this month a new team of uniformed officers will patrol the streets handing out fines ranging from £80 to £400 to anyone aged 18 or over who is seen dropping or dumping rubbish or allowing their dogs to foul the streets.

The new regime will include handing out fines to anyone who drops chewing gum or cigarette butts. The officers will wear body cameras with footage used as evidence if required. People under the age of 18 will have their names and address taken for a letter to be issued to their parents.

The uniformed officers will be employed by Kingdom Security. The contract with the company is expected to cost £120,000 per year with the costs covered by money received from penalties issued.

Last year 586 fixed-penalty notices were issued for littering in Haringey. If the same number were to be fined in the coming year, this would generate an income of between £46,000 and almost a £¼M. Of course if detection rates increase significantly, a much higher sum could be expected. 

Whilst more attention to littering will be welcome, there are reasons to give a cautious welcome to the new scheme. Kingdom Security claim in their promotional material that the environmental division is "led by experienced experts with police and military backgrounds" and recent press coverage suggests that their powers may sometimes be exercised with too little restraint.

Last year Maidstone Council suspended the operations of Kingdom's entire litter operation after a woman was fined for feeding the ducks. The Kent Messenger reported that the "£80 fixed penalty notice was issued to a woman feeding the ducks in Tovil – because the warden insisted no birds were present at the time." 

In another incident a Twitter storm was unleashed when a photographer was arrested by Kingdom Security guards for taking pictures of a Golden Wonder crisps factory. Whilst the exchange is not particularly edifying from either side, the law was on the side of the photographer and the viewpoint of the Kingdom security guard rather indefensible:

The Manifesto Club (which describes itself as campaigning against the hyperregulation of everyday life) conducted a short investigation into Kingdom Security and found that the number of fines issued by the company has increased steeply. In 2011-12, the company issued 18,690 penalty notices on behalf of 13 councils. By 2014-15, that had climbed to 42,529 fines for 16 councils.

The Manifesto Club say that "In most cases, Kingdom Security receives a portion of each fine issued, between £40 and £75 of a £75 fine (on average, the company retains £45). In some cases, councils pay Kingdom Security on an hourly or annual contract basis, but this arrangement comes with ‘projected income’ figures: that is, the arrangement is based on a certain number of fines being issued."

The precise details of the Haringey contract have not been released, but there are some worrying local precedents. In 2014-15 Enfield Council received £221,200 after 6,255 penalty notices were issued by Kingdom – but the company was paid £279,090. 

Apparently the vast majority of fines are issued for cigarette butts. However, fines are also being issued by Kingdom Security officers for: spitting, handing out leaflets without a licence and smoking in Taxi or work vehicles.

Whilst Haringey's focus on litter is to be welcomed, it is also to be hoped that they have drawn up a contract designed both to curb any excesses and to ensure value for money.

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I saw a Veolia sweeper drop a cigarette butt as he wheeled his cart past!

I doubt that they will. Included in Haringey's budget cut proposals are cuts to bins 'education'.

Following writing this post I submitted an FOI request to clarify a few points. A super-quick response provided most of the answers in the form of Council papers which I attach below.

It's reassuring to see that, in response to concerns expressed during the Council's informal consultation over this project, great care will apparently be taken in supervising who the individual officers are and how they will exercise their powers. 

It's also interesting to note that the number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued annually is expected to rise from 586 to 3,400. That suggests a revenue line of between £272,00 and £1.36M. Phew!

I've yet to ascertain the financial basis of the contract so cannot comment on the extent to which these monies will end up with the Council or Kingdom. 

I've re-requested this information along with greater clarity of the powers that will be given to Kingdom officers. 

Cabinet Member Signing.pdf

I've now had confirmation that payment to Kingdom will be via a percentage of each fine. I didn't ask for further details since I imagine those details will be commercially sensitive. 


It's there now, Alan. Thanks.

I sympathise, but I suppose the answer is why didn't you swallow it ?

Wait, so you are actually saying they should only enforce against the wrong kind of people spitting? Like there is a civilised form of spitting that is acceptable?

Don't take it to court. You will lose. Your picture is worthless as evidence and your circumstances are irrelevant. At the very least you will have to pay the fine plus court costs.

Goodbye then "@markstoned".

You chose the tag and posted it on your HoL profile.

Speaks for itself.

As for "joggers", I am a runner in marathon training. Sometimes I need to spit. I carry tissues with me for that very purpose.

Most annoying is that LBH will collect stuff like that for free. 

It just gets taken away after someone reports it, the pick-up people don't investigate for potential ID. So there's no disincentive re dumping. This is commercial landlord crime, not private people. Mattresses are too cheap.



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