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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Currently operating as Abraço this application

HGY/2021/2420 - 60-61 Grand Parade N4 1AF

"Merging two units into one internally to use as a retail/cafe within Class E. New shopfront. Single storey rear extension to both units with part retractable roof."

I foresee a future as another turkish mega restaurant once and if this isi granted. It also removes a reatil unit from avaialability to ensure th diversity of shops.

I say no to monocluture in restaurants....!

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Yes, we might of known it was the Tories fault, even though they haven't got one MP or councillor in the entire borough. 

The Tories do have a teensy majority in Parliament which has at least a marginal influence in deciding planning law changes binding on local councils.

Xavier, planning regulation are made by national, not local, government. For example, until the government changed planning regulations you were not able to change something like a crèche into another use without first getting permission.  I think most people would be fairly happy moving next door to a crèche knowing that if the owner decided to sell up it would need permission before it changed into another business and that they as an immediate neighbour would have the chance to have a say in that permission.  That has changed and now the crèche can be changed into a shop, light industrial unit or a restaurant without any permission being required.  It takes away even the tiny amount of influence we may have had as citizens from determining what our neighbourhoods are like - and takes away local authority the ability to have long term plans for the make up of commercial and residential areas.

No...but the Tories, in gov't for the last 11 years!!!!!!!! have been tearing up the NATIONAL planning rules, allowing an 'anything goes' environment where 'big corporate' rules the day because it has the resources to do so. Even if the Tory narriative is about reducing blockages, prompting growth and building more housing.

These rules dictate what local planning authotirties can and can't do.

There is so much more the Tories could do if they really wanted people to have their say on planning in their own areas and to improve provison of affordable homes for people....INstead they keeping loading the system in favour of big buildiers and landholders with nothing in favour of other forms of developments. Look at who donates to the Tory party.

A simple Google search would have let you know that M. Ugur Guccuk is the current owner of Abraco.

He might (or might not) be of Turkish origins, it doesn't mean that his restaurant is serving Turkish Cuisine (which is not the case btw).

Abraco which is a very nice and trendy coffee shop is extending which is a great thing (which you could have learnt by just getting there and talking to the owner/staff).

End of the story.

You must be right. I do not have any problem with all that you are saying and completely owned up to that.

That said, once a place has been given permission nothing preents it from morphing into something else. That's the point. And I merely threw the first lines out for comment. Voilà.

Well said Arnaud!

Dick, although they have a Portuguese name (I am a Portuguese speaker), nobody - when queried - there has ever been able to explain what the name actually means (abraço = hug) and how the name came about. So, I don't believe there's any Portuguese connection at all.

I, too, like going there for coffee. Staff have always been very friendly and welcoming.

This restaurant is 0% Portuguese, unfortunately. It'll be nice to have one in the area though. 

There isn't a single Portuguese item on the menu, not even Brazilian. Judging by the menu it looks more like a mix of Turkish and English food.

Totally - it’s just a smashed avocado on toast place which recently got permission to serve alcohol on premise. It’s evidently served by the vast Turkish food supply chain which delivers Sucuk, pre made hummus etc by ye boatload - as much of the ingredients and dishes are clearly Turkish.

Only a matter of time before it applies for extended opening hours and turns into a bar. It’s not particularly interesting or nice. Thankfully the Dusty Knuckle has raised the bar a bit and the long queues suggest there is a healthy appetite for diversity on the high street. 


I'm glad some enterprising food supply chains are still functioning well.

Smashed avocado on toast  sounds like an improvement on unripe sliced avocado on babies' teething rusks which used to be served up as posh nosh a few years ago.

You don't need planning permission to combine two shops (or three, four..) into one. Only to replace the external signage and doors, install extractors and the like.

You also no longer need planinng permission to change shops and offices into restaurants. Haringey's old policy of capping non-retail use is no longer usable. 

Thankfully, you also can't object to a planning application based on the applicant's ethinicty, or a general feeling there's too much of a particular people or business around. 



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