Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Opened recently where there used to be a car spare parts shop, at the north end of Wightman Road, between Sydney and Raleigh Road.

Went in yesterday, much bigger on the inside than it looks outside, very clean and bright and more like a supermarket than a deli. Very well-stocked with jars of stuff I didn't understand. I only needed bread and pasta but I'll have to take a better look next time. Friendly staff.

Anyone else been?

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Clocked it yesterday canvassing, that will save a few folk (from Wightman, top of Umfreville and Lothiar Nrth) traveling down to
Green Lanes, hopefully they'll do that yummy sunflower seed bread, great for the shops in Harringay Village, (Estate agent speak...)
willing to use it if it gives that parade of shops a lease of life.

Are these two different shops?  One one Joe mentions is up at the Turnpike Lane end (I walked past it last week) and the one Matthew mentions sounds like its near Harringay overgrpound station on Wightman?

Yes I think Matthew is talking about a different shop - I'll have to check that one out too.

The one at the Turnpike Lane end definitely has the sunflower seed bread, we had the wheat and cornflower one a couple of days ago but that went very quickly so I've gone back today for more - trying the wheat and rye version this time.

Yes, some canvassers tend to be a little green about Wightman geography.

I saw this place open a couple of weeks ago. It's quite big, a double shop and goes back a long way. More of a supermarket than deli.

I pass it a few times a day, and unfortunately have never seen more than one customer in there, so I'm not sure how successful it's been so far. That end of Wightman Road isn't much of a shopping street, and with several Polish shops on the High Road/Green Lanes already, and a very good convenience shop/supermarket (Ser Aydin) already in place on the corner of Raleigh and Wightman, it might find it hard to attract customers.

Yes I was a bit sceptical about the "delicatessen" description on my first visit, but I think it is justified - they have a very long cold meats and cheese counter for example, with a wide selection of cured hams and pates etc. Sadly I'm vegetarian so that's no good to me! There is a nice little bakery section and a few other goodies worth browsing around for. I hope it succeeds.

Update. Every time I go in there seems to be yet more stock on the floor ready to be loaded onto already-full shelves - TARDIS shelves!

Shopping here is (unless you can speak Polish) reminds me of being on holiday abroad - unable to decipher the label, you have to rely on other senses to find the product you want. For example, there is a picture of a cow on the packet, it's the same shape as a block of butter, but is it actually margarine?

The deli counter still looks really well-stocked with meat products and I was very pleased to see some fish too this week - I bought some smoked sprats and smoked white fish (I did ask which fish it was but the assistant couldn't translate) for supper tonight. Definitely going back for more.

The cake stand has looked a bit sparse on earlier visits but this was full tonight. Another tick in the box.

Anyone else tried this shop yet?



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