Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following yesterday's press article (See Local News) and three weeks after my email to Stephen Easterbrook UK MD of McDonalds, I received the following reply today:

Dear Mr Flouch,

I am writing further to your e-mail, sent for the attention of Mr Steve Easterbrook and forwarded to me for response.

I understand some members of the local community have expressed concerns relating to our advertising banners, which are currently displayed on the Green Lanes railway bridge in Haringey.

I can confirm that a local company, Bay Media having worked with the local council for the past three years, have authorisation to sell commercial advertising space on the bridge in question. The Haringey Neighbourhood Management Team receives a direct revenue share from the bridge advertising, which is then directed back into the community.

As such, I can confirm these banners have been erected legally and with the permission of the local council.
I trust that this clarifies our position on this matter and thank you for taking the time and trouble to contact us.


Rhonda Floyd
Internet Response Team

McDonald's Customer Services Department
11 - 59 High Road
East Finchley
N2 8AW

Tel: 08705 244 622

If anyone would like to follow up on my mail, you can use the links above to mail to either Easterbook (via his PA) or to the author of the letter.

Tags for Forum Posts: harringay bridge, mcbridge, mcdonalds

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The thing I find funny is that Haringey spent time and money improving the bridge last year (though the results have had a mixed reception, see here). So isn't it a bit odd to then cover a quarter of it with a fast food advert??
In the latest news update is
This quote from
"Haringey Council, responsible for overseeing advertising on the bridge, said: "We are aware of people's concerns about the promotion of fast food and are currently reviewing our advertising policy in light of this.
"We have now asked the company which sells this type of advertising not to sell any more to fast food outlets until we have our new policy in place."

but McDo says, "McDonald's strongly rejects any claims that we market so-called 'junk food'. "
so its an advert for a hamburger restaurant...that comes very fast to your table.

Silly 'concerned parents'... wonder if parent David Lammy is happy that a bridge with his name on the plaque is now advertising Mcdonalds?
Reading that letter, they're basically saying: We've paid for the space, we don't care what you think, now kindly sod off and go pester someone else. Nice.
The council say, according to Liz's link, that they are reviewing their advertising policy. Let's keep an eye on this.

As regards McD informing Hugh that some monies go to the local Neighbourhood team to recycle back into the community, makes one wonder if that money finds its way into the Make the Difference fund ...
A follow-up communication - I think Anette summarised their position very well.

Dear Rhonda, Thank you for your mail, but your response misses the point. We are not questioning the legality of the advertising. We are telling you that a significant majority of the local population do not want advertising on the bridge. We are asking you to take local sentiment into account and remove the advertising.

Your neighbours at the Arena Shopping Park have done this. Will you do the same?

Best regards,

Hugh Flouch

Dear Mr Flouch

Thank you for contacting us again in response to our e-mail.

I can confirm that at present, we have no plans to remove our advertising from the bridge in question.

Should you have any further queries regarding this matter, I will be happy to forward these onto Adam Forman at Bay Media.


Rhonda Floyd
Senior Manager
Internet Response Team
they're basically saying: We've paid for the space, we don't care what you think, now kindly sod off and go pester someone else. Nice.
@ Annette. that is indeed what they are saying and quite right too!

As I understand it, you'd be quite happy with say... a Fortnum & Mason or John Lewis advert, but not one from a 'fast food outlet'.. right?

I personally would prefer no adverts at all.. and would recommend that in future the 'fast food' aspect of the argument should be dropped.. I guarantee that there are more Harringay residents that are fast food restuarant customers than there are Health Food store customers.. so the placing the advert here is logical..

What is interesting, are you saying that the council is selling local sites without notifying the residents about the reasons why or what they do with the receipts..?

McD are quite entitled to advertise where they can.. Surely it's up to the council to put forward the residents objections and not to profit from unwanted advertising..
Couldn't agree more. I thought this campaign was against advertising on the bridge and the visual pollution of Green Lanes generally (which I wholeheartedly support - see in particular Hugh's marvellous image of what it would look like free of all those lamp-post flats, signs etc.). Instead, it's turned into another stereotypical Mcbashing exercise. I'm no fan of the place and never eat there but let's focus on the cause, not the effect.
I'm not fond of McD or KF*C* & co., but I'm vary on censorship aims. In my opinion it's all about education and respect.

I'm Italian and McD or KF*C* is yuck to me. In Italy McD is for tourist and KF*C* is non existing. They tried several time entering the market but it's still difficult to get somewhere for them.

Maybe we should spend more time teaching what's good or bad in terms of food to the people rather than being new Don Quishottes?

However I do respect your campaign, but could be another "Better Bet" story. And the council might not act at all this time.

I'm just trying to give another view and don't misinterpret my words.
OK, after Hugh's posting I'm confused now.

Is the problem McBridge or simply having advertisement on that bridge?

You have to be clear here, because if it's the latter don't bother McD and speak with the council & Bay Media.
For me, I don't care if it's McD or Fortnums. My issue is with advertising on the bridge full stop. As for my "quote" in ther newspaper article I said the same to Emma at the Journal. I explained what my position was but that some people were against McD.

My letter to the UK MD of McD included:

"Steve this is not directed at McDonalds specifically. I would be asking any advertiser to work with the local community in the same way. We are trying hard to improve our area and the visual aspect is of critical importance."

I approached McD in the first instance because they are the advertisers and I wanted to see if they'd respond. No surprise as to their response really.
So are we stuck with the Mc advert whether we like it or not? I prefered the bird poo and graffiti.
Which gets back to my point above, lets concentrate on contacting/monitoring the council regards their advertising policy and out of interest, find out where this money goes (if it is indeed some of it is going back into the community).

Yes, we do want to reduce 'visual pollution' on Green Lanes, including banner advertising organised by the council. As others say above, this is what I thought the poll on HoL was about.



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