Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Whilst putting the bins out this afternoon at 2.30 - I spotted a guy today checking out my neighbours basement flat - he didn't knock on the door - just looked at the window and front door - then came back up the stairs. I looked at him and he came over to talk to me. Said he was a painter and decorator looking for work. When I asked him for his card - he said they were in his pick up. Yep - thats what I would do if I was looking for work - leave my cards in the van. He was blatently looking at the basement flats - checked our flat on purpose and read out the door number asking me if I wanted any painting and decorating - I said no. He said he'd pop round with a couple of cards in the next day or so for me to give to my neighbours - I mentioned that I'd be in. I asked him for his name - after it taking him a while to remember his name - said you can call me Bobby. He was an Irish guy, early twenties, red/brown short hair (longer and brushed forwards ontop), blue and white striped shirt and jeans and trainers. Clean shaven, thin and avg height. If you see someone like that - checking out some flats, stringing you a line about being a decorator - can you call the police? Would like to find him before someone gets broken into. I've been burgled twice in the last couple of years and it's just annoying. There's also nothing worth taking in our flat. Apparently there's a spate of break in's up Oakfield Road so perhaps they're spreading this way. 

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Opposite reasons? For not being ridiculed enough?

I know people who've left HoL because they say they 'are fed up with the hysterical mindless fear-mongering' (not my words)

You're right James, it wouldn't exist.

As for the discussion about the reaction to this post, the person who began it may never have posted before so why would she have any idea about what has been posted previously on the subject of 'suspicious characters'? References to saws etc will mean nothing to her (and lots of other people reading it) and I've no idea why they are relevant to a completely different discussion started by someone who has seen something that concerns her, and which would have concerned me too.

Personally I don't think it matters if she has been burgled a million times or never - it doesn't affect how I read her post. She's a local person expressing concern about something that she is worried about and she's left the site because she thinks people just took the piss out of her.

I too worry about the impact that posts about possible crimes have on local fear of crime but I genuinely believe this is not the way to crack that problem.

I'd second thad emoshun.

Just to add to this - I do the update weekly and I don't feel that there are too many threads started about crime or fear of crime. Posts like this one are rare - most crime posts are about things that have already happened, usually burglary, or sometimes information about things like online or telephone scams which do happen with heartbreaking regularity. Most weeks there are only two or three posts and some weeks none at all.  

So, those who dislike posts they call "hysterical mindless fear-mongering" (not your words) clearly are ignoring the dozens of other posts about pets, getting rid of unwanted items, questions about drains or roofs, requests for volunteering, complaints about the bins, events and activities, pictures of gardens, information about new openings and reviews, requests for recommendations for tradespeople, historical photos and videos, celebrations of local achievements, posts about computers and consumer affairs, people looking for new homes, lost and found ads, general chit-chat etc. that make up the bulk of the content on this site. These same people do have an option not to read the content that annoys them by not clicking on the link...or perhaps they can't help themselves and, if that's the case, perhaps they can choose not to dismiss the dozens of positive exchanges that happen weekly on this site in favour of the odd post that clashes with their world view and say that ALL there is online is hysteria and fear when clearly this is not the case to anyone who takes a few minutes to consider the facts.

I was the poster accused of being racist on another thread. If you actually met me in real life you would soon see how stupid you sound accusing ME of being racist!

It put me right off posting on here! 

He was a local handyman.
Sharon, whether he was a handyman or not, Kat was accused of being racist by people who do not know her or anything about her. I think that is the point.
Well, as I recall, Kat posted a 'be aware of someone who is possibly dangerous thread' because she had a bad vibe about some ordinary bloke who was going about his business. I think that's unfair. He or his family could have read that thread or someone who was considering giving him work. This is a public forum and no, I don't know Kat, only from what I have read on HOL. That's all we know of each other which is why we are being encouraged to be careful. I think the post was unecessary and I think she Judged him on his appearance. Perhaps people starting threads should be as considerate as those contributing to them. That is the point.

Yes, and anyone could have read that Kat as being accused of being racist with absolutley no evidence that this was the case.

Sorry Michael, I don't agree. I've said all I want to say on the matter. So, I'm leaving it at that. She was careless and yeah, there were racist under tones to that post whether she is racist 'in real life' or not.

If you want to give a physical description of someone who is acting in a way that you think is suspicious you give sex, age, height, hair colour, build, dress, accent and - yes-colour of skin. That is not being racist.

Sharon doesn't seem to object to the man in the heading of this post as being " Irish ". I wonder why that's not " racist "



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