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Over on another conversation, I suggested neighbours working together to make a start on fixing the awful bin blight we've been saddled with. Below is the conversation. Do you want to help out on your street?

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Would it be in ALL fairness to base criticism on evidence? Yes, probably.

Is our scepticism completely understandable given the evidence we have already from what's been said and done publicly and what's been uttered privately? In all fairness, can you blame us, Alan?

I'm all for scepticism, but I do like mine healthy. Then simmered slowly in a broth of curiosity; and served on a large bed of crisp, fresh-gathered facts. With just the merest soupçon of theory.

I think curiosity and the need for fresh gathered facts have been satisfied by observation over the past few months. (Though the passage of time may means they're rather more wilted than fresh right now). Theories abound like a plague.

Hugh, I can't tell you what happens in the inner sanctum, high in the Kobertower.

But I asked around about your "scenario". Neither I nor unimportant Labour Party groundlings of my acquaintance recall hearing even a whisper of an inkling of a hint of some secret plan to move to fortnightly collections of both general and recycled waste.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Hi Alan, long time no see. While I tend to agree with other local residents about bin size etc, to me the biggest problem is a large number of people not separating their waste which then overflows and isn't collected for two weeks, looks unsightly and starts to smell. Surely the council could drop by and explain how to operate the new system?

Hi Hugh, as I mentioned on Friday Veolia wanted to give time to residents to be confident about managing their waste. Phase 3 will be implemented end of Oct. There are several options:one can request a smaller bin, larger one or share a bin with a neighbour (I'll soon be sharing a general waste bin with my neighbour). However, the key thing is that you need to be able to manage your waste if you downsize. This is not a good option for HMOs but if need be they can get 2 large ones. This would be happenning any way. Obviously we can support Veolia in this process . If you ever decide to go out we need Veolia engagement officers to accompany the visit. I'm sure they would't mind to pilot it on the Ladder. I'm confident that JF will be happy to join us. Let's plan together. I'll be happy to have a chat over coffee. Nilgun

Great - sounds very constructive. Thanks for the offer. I'm sure the group will be eager to take you up on it.

If you ever decide to go out we need Veolia engagement officers to accompany the visit.

I thought the point of us residents going out was because the council/veolia aren't doing this themselves??? If the officers are now able to accompany us on the visits cant I then just stay home and leave it to them? I'd be happy to be involved in helping plan what they should be telling residents and how to encourage people to downsize their bins, but I wasn't exactly relishing having to go out visiting people myself so it would be great if they would do that bit.

I take your point, Ant, but I think this was an encouraging response from Cllr Canver and I think we as residents will still have a critical role is seeing through a pilot. I don't relish knocking on doors either and don't really want to spare the time, but if our involvement can see the job done well, I'm willing to stick with it. I'm quite comfortable with the concept of locals taking an active part alongside the Council.

Yep i agree Hugh so willing to continue on with the plan.

Pete, you're onto something here.

Claire Kober has a particularly tight-lipped and bilious looking mugshot of herself which she insists on Haringey People publishing twice per issue. Blown up this would be great for potholes and our never finished Wightman Road footways. Slapping it on a rubbish or recycling bin might deter rather than encourage. Maybe Claire's No.1 Fan, Alan Stanton, could help us on this one by persuading his Leaderene to pose for a range of ever more cheerful, enticing, (dare one say it?) sexier bin portraits. Veolia's Pin-up Miss? Haringey People's Foxy Centrefold?

If only we had considered electing a Labour councillor for Harringay Ward, we wouldn't have to bother Alan.

Or even have bins with candidates faces around election time. The one with the least non-recyclable rubbish in it wins!



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