Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Not sure if there is/isnt... I just want to gage what qualities people like about the Councillors we have. (Alan you cant vote yea Ha ha x)

I like Cllr Ejifior and Cllr Dugan for their personas, everytime I have seen them they have been human and take time to say hello, we've never had any meaningful conversations but if I saw them I feel I could. I know this isnt why people voted for them, but I do think there is something important about politicians that dont act like they are superior

I love Cllr Diakies, a very knowledgable man and taught me a lot when I was growing up about different political schools of thought etc.

I think the work Cllr Peacock does in the community is commendable and she is not afraid of the residents.

I like Cllr Stanton, just because I see him on a lot of sites (including HoL) and there is something different on how he says what he thinks rather than a party line or hiding behind a members services admin to construct his responses.

I like Cllr Canver, when she was doing the crime lead... omg she was on it, especially profiling domestic violence but shes gone a bit quiet now

Thats it though... in reality, all of the above and people I havent rated are not fulfilling my expectations 100% of what I want in a Cllr, maybe my expectations are wrong or their communication with what they do is weak or there are internal issues that prevent them from taking limelight away from Kober. It would be great to hear what other people think



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It would be great to hear what other people think

There are a couple of misspellings in the councillors' names and I cannot trace a Cllr Dugan; this probably means Cllr Dilek Dogus. "Kober" deserves more respect, with her full title of Council Leader.

But the 7 (seven) councillors mentioned (in more or less glowing terms, for possible nomination) are members of a single political party (or, 20% of the Council Majority Group).

Does this amount to party politicking?

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... back to the question

I make no apologies for spelling mistakes firstly it was nearly 4am and secondly, most people dont give a sh1t :)

Have a nice day

Seema, I don't want to engage in personal attack, but you might "give a shit" (your unattractive phrase) if it was your surname that was misspelt, as you have misspelt the names of three Councillors.

You may be aware that, once again, education in this Borough has become a hot topic, reflected in argument about the standards achieved in Haringey's schools. Education in Haringey has before now been taken into Special Measures.

Part of Primary education is spelling. I don't always get spelling right, but I appreciate its importance. I hope you might agree that those working with kids need to impart its relevance.

Please don't tell me what kind of day to have ;-)

Clive... you are so cute I feel to pinch your cheeks. I am educated enough to know that different people have different reasons for different things, I do not judge or make assumptions one is not educated or disrespecful based upon a spelling mistake. There are various neuro-motor; brain cognition and attention issues that cause this, as well more complex issues like long nails :).

If any Cllrs feel disrespected by my spelling, most have my email address and I will apologise before or after I inform them that I feel disrespected that they are not addressing my concerns as an electorate

Thank you very much for your second reply, it was much less confrontational and mature.

I trust you will have a nice day and welcome your new forum post on primary education and spelling

Whether or not Councillors "feel disrespected" by having their names misspelt, none are likely to complain. They're mature enough to know there's a wide range of educational ability in the Borough - perhaps wider than most Boroughs – and take it in their stride.

(Low expectations for education achievement in the Borough is a topic for another thread).

Call me old fashioned, but IMO, no matter how disrespected I may feel by my concerns as a voter (I am not an entire electorate) being unaddressed, I do think that all Councillors – no matter how odious – deserve correct spellings and titles and not carelessness.

Is this Councillor of the Year award for the best councillor or the worst councillor? I have one in mind if it is for the latter category.

Clive, Counsellor Chandwani sees Lib Dems as no more than a good reason to promote non-voting so clearly the judgement of a large swathe of Haringey residents counts for nothing. She may also be suffering from an undiagnosed bout of koberenvy and other internal issues, though this is difficult to gage until she displays more symptoms. Does her commendation of Cllr Peacock who 'is not afraid of the residents' suggest that a councillor who goes around telling everyone to f*ck off is the ideal? 

I am so confused... I asked EVERYONE their opinion and gave mine on I think, are you all not capable of participating in answering the question without personal attack? You would think I insulted your mothers the way you are responding

I work with kids, seeing the immaturity on this site.... Im grateful I do

Have a nice day,


In my long experience on this site, Seema, two subjects guaranteed to have the woodwork squeaking are politics and grammar/spelling errors. Worry not, Clive and the Emporium are well known on the site and should be treated with the same equanimity as you would usually reserve for Andrew Neil on This Week. They are there at the beginning of the show with their commentaries but don't let them get in the way of the issues that you wish to hear discussed. 

As a matter of fact, you may be interested to know, if you didn't already, that the Local Government Information Unit runs an annual award schemefor councillors including Online Cllr, Young Cllr, Community Champion and so on. You've just missed the deadline for this year's awards but if you feel that any of the councillors above are deserving of recognition, you can nominate at the end of the year for 2013. This being about the role of councillor, not the political party they represent, anyone who takes their role seriously from any party can be nominated by any resident. So, get collecting your evidence now. Clive will be gratified to know that last year's winner of Online cllr of the year was James Barber, LD Cllr for East Dulwich (link to Networked Neighbourhoods video interview) who has a thing or two to teach his own party as well as the noble opposition parties about the use of social media for councillor work.

Thanks Liz, I have no hang ups with my spelling.... I type extremely fast, often from a iPhone and I am aware my brain skips words (sometimes sentences). I just am amused that adults would be so bothered on a forum!! In fact, in general I find insecure people amusing

In regards to the LGIU awards.... as stated in my post there is not one Councillor i can say does it for me 100% in Haringey, so not sure I could nominate anyone from Haringey. I didnt actually want to give an award, I wanted to see what qualities people liked & ascertain their expectations, this seemed like a fun way of doing it.

Clive and the Emporium I apolojize mi spelin haz casued u disress n hope u gt beta soon


I'm not sure anyone can be 100% given that for the majority of folk, the job of councillor often fits around other commitments such as family or work but there may be councillors who have shown a particular commitment to an aspect of their work and for which they deserve recognition. Cllr Peacock's lack of fear of residents, for example, isn't really a quality but her long-term work for the Tottenham Carnival might be something for which she deserves recognition. (sorry Clive, in the interests of non-partisan posting, I have to admit that I'm not so familiar with all the Lib Dem cllrs and their achievements outside of the two in our ward and those I've met socially, although I note that Sophie Erskine in Fortis Green is under 30, a candidate for young cllr perhaps?)

Oh gosh, I dont mean 100% so that they sell their children to sweatshop :) I mean 100% of what I want from a Cllr

Sometimes when I have sat in full council, I wonder when someone (from either party) is going to say something I think "Yeaaaaa, exactly"! There is little passion or fire for people, more with ego/headlines and point scoring. I understand thats the way the game has been allowed to become but its just... rubbish! Lol.

I havent yet, in Haringey for a while heard a Cllr speak and believed they represented by feelings on a subject. I havent been at public meetings and seen Cllrs fully understand, empathise and advocate for the majority in our community. I am gutted I missed Save Downhills as I think that is where I would have seen it. I really want to see more grassroots relationships.

I think, wow... shall I move to be in your area when I think of Stella Creasy (does that woman sleep?) she is so active in Walthamstow, everything she does is about Walthamstow, she pounds the streets fighting and I just get a sense from her (as well as friends that live in Walthamstow) she is real. I used to have similar thoughts about Lynne Featherstone, despite what people say about Lynne now... before the ConDems she was extremely active





No, I know but sometimes people's high expectations of people in public service can be unrealistic given the many contraints upon them, not least, in the case of political parties, from their own leadership going all the way to the top. Mavericks are attractive to those outside the faithful, but are often subjected to incredible pressure and bullying from within their own group to behave according to party lines (this goes for all parties, before anyone thinks its a dig at any one party). I don't know much about Stella Creasy but she has a very high social media profile as does Lynne Featherstone.

Without, I hope, appearing overly cynical, do we perceive them as more effective because they are a damn sight better at telling us they are than other politicians. I'd say David Lammy is proving to be a very effective champion of Tottenham, post riots, but can he also be a lot more visible than he used to be and outspoken now he isn't part of an inner circle of ministers running the country? Lynne struggles now she is in government to be as locally minded since she has to 'do as she's told'. She was doing sterling work on fair funding for Haringey schools before the election but is now openly supporting forced academies. I don't believe that Lynne F has changed her mind about the unfairness of the funding system but she can't be seen to be challenging the rest of the cabinet because she's a minister.



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