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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It's gone 9.30am and cannot see any signs of road work activity going on. There were some large trucks and Eurovia vans earlier on but all seem to have gone. Anyone know what may be going on - Harringay ward cllrs?

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They've had to take the vehicles away for repairs after breaking the sumps.

Ha ha ha!!!

Will they be leaving a channel down the middle of the road to let all the oil drain down to the bottom where it can be recycled?

Posted a link from here back in the earlier thread so hopefully James Ryan will pick it up. I've emailed him direct too.

Just spoke to the council - there couldn't start today because of problems will parking on the road. They're trying again tomorrow. I've asked for more details on what happened to be sent to me today.

Also asked for clarification over if the work could now be completed beyond the completion date given. They said it shouldn't.   

Thank you James, although I am surprised by the reason since when I looked this morning there was only 1 car parked in the designated suspension area and that was a car in the disabled parking spot which had a blue badge so I am assuming the council would have contact details of the vehicle owner to be able to move the car. This is not the first time we've had parking suspensions imposed and no work undertaken. The last time the reason was broken machinery I recall.

Did you take one or two informative photos, by any chance?  It's always nice to help our more idealistic new councillors realise that things - literally - on the ground aren't always what they're told.

Hi James

My very late Dad used to say: 'Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see'.

Zena Brabazon

May I suggest  the welcoming committee temporarily rolls up the red carpet; puts the rose petals in water; and asks the band to improvise on: "See the conquering hero comes''.  I'm certain the Dear Leader will soon turn up. She's probably delayed fixing another street.

I've got more info (below) from officers on the Hewitt Road works. I've asked them to keep me updated. 


'As per our conversation yesterday works could not start on Hewitt Road as advertised due to parked vehicles in the works location.

Unfortunately, there is only one planer (equipment for taking up tarmac off the road) available on the network today and it is currently employed on Claremont Road, N6. Subject to the planning on Claremont Road being completed early, the surfacing gang will start works on Hewitt Road later today.

Failing this, work in Hewitt Road will commence tomorrow morning. Our principal contractor, Ringway Jacobs will distribute leaflets advising residents of the change of programme dates.'

That's odd. "Cars" ?  Or was it perhaps "only one car"?  (See comment above from Haringey.)

Here's my Tip #581: Always triangulate to check information you are given.  (From "Practical Tips for New Councillors" ™ ©®). 

Of course, I'm not suggesting in any way that a member of Haringey staff ever has or ever would intentionally mislead a councillor. But as the poet Donald Rumsfeld eloquently put it: there are known knowns and known unknowns. Or to adapt the memorable words of the philosopher Alex Karras: Ward councillors only pawns in game of road humps.

All done now?  Photos taken recording the changes? 

It seems to be done ( but see caveat later ).

The speed bump has gone and the road is flat.

There is a new manhole cover, lowered and flush with the road surface.

The excessive camber has been reduced, where previously the centre of the road rose to meet the projecting ironwork.

It all looks very nice and there should be no danger of damage to sumps.

There are still white markings on the kerb to indicate where a speed bump could be placed so this may be added later.

Photos available if you really want them Alan :-)



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