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Haringey traffic boss starts Ladder traffic review following engagement by local group

Following the work of the Harringay Ladder Living Streets group, Cllr Matt White, Cabinet Member for Planning and Corporate Services has arranged a maildrop to all Ladder residents. 

Entitled, Harringay Ladder Traffic and Transport Review, whilst it carefully makes no commitments the letter implies that there may be action to tackle Ladder traffic.

Full letter attached below (or read online on Haringey Council's website).

The council web page links to an engagement map for residents to have their say at harringayladder.commonplace.is

But of course, there is also value in also speaking through a group. Please contact - and join - the Haringey Ladder Living Streets Group (www.hlls.org.uk or by email at harringayladderlivingstreets@gmail.com) with any queries, or ask them on here.

Tags for Forum Posts: hlhs, ladder ltn, low traffic neighbourhoods, traffic

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I suppose I’ve given in to feeling cynical about the whole situation Hugh.  

Back during the data gathering and consultation stages for the Wightman Road changes a lot of us (including you) attended meetings, crunched numbers and pounded pavements.  We had facts that proved that Wightman Road had more traffic movements than the A1 as it passes Highgate tube station or the four lane trunk road section of Seven Sisters Road, that the Ladder is hemmed in by areas that have measures to discourage traffic and so send it our way.  The response to all of this and far more was to make Wightman Road wiggly.

Who can blame you. It’s a feeling I share. Yet I can never quite get over my natural predisposition of just about being able to see this particular glass as half-full. 

Currently my glass is in shards on the kitchen floor

If it's any help in re-glueing your glass, your comment gave me a chuckle. 

Hi Peter,

Any chance you could please illustrate your point using online links to specific locations on Google Maps? Do you know when those Palmers Green changes were made?  (So perhaps  Google's "historic" stored photos would be helpful too.)

I find it's often useful to seek comparisons from elsewhere. Even though in Haringey it sometimes seems horrible, fantastic, incredible that we should be digging up pavements and trying out real bicycle lanes as they do in far far away boroughs with people of whom we know nothing.

Alan, I think Palmers Green was remodelled in the second half of 2017, see screenshots below.

You need very deep pockets for this type of treatment (particularly on Harringay GL as there are many more junctions - the ladder rungs and gardens), plus you need councillors prepared to champion the changes esp. in the face of trader opposition. By far the cheapest solution for a north-south cycle route is filtering Wightman Road - filtering gives you an instant one mile length of cycle route without the need for building the kind of expensive segregated infrastructure needed on GL.

(I'd add that, if you did build that kind of infrastructure on GL *without* filtering Wightman, then any additional congestion would again increase the amount of ratrunning on Wightman and the Ladder rungs.)

Palmers green, May 2017:

Palmers Green, 2018:

Are those beige bits cycle lanes, in the middle of the pavements?

The cycle lane is between the pavement and the road. On the left it looks like the cycle lane is in the middle of the pavement but the "pavement" between the cycle lane and the road is a build-out for the bus stop (aka "floating bus stop")

As a regular cyclist, that "cycle lane" looks like a death trap to me. It's not segregated, it's just an ill defined section of pavement. Shoppers focussed on shopping will step into it without checking, people will spot their bus coming and run across it without checking, and further along it looks to run close alongside a run pf parked cars where drivers and passengers will open their doors not expecting cyclists and likely car door someone. Honestly if I were cycling up here I'd stick to the road. 

Looks totally like a "cycle" route designed by someone who has never cycled in a city. And this is what i fear on Green Lanes, some sort of fudge. Far better to make Wightman a proper cycle route away from shoppers, bus stops and other hazards. 

Pre Covid I was up that way quite often and never saw a cyclist using the lane - not once

I recently cycled that stretch of Green Lanes for the first time.  While it was a single instance--so difficult to generalise from--the experience was much as Paul suggests:  pedestrians treated the cycle lane as just another part of the pavement, and people waiting for the bus clustered around the back of the shelter, standing in the middle of the cycle lane (passengers exiting the bus also walked straight through the cycle lane without checking).  The other problem is that cars emerging from side roads turning on to Green Lanes tended to treat Green Lanes as their stopping point, rather than the cycle lane preceding it--drivers just drove straight through it without checking for oncoming cycle traffic.  Three times in a fairly short stretch of road I had to hit the brakes hard in order to avoid what would have been a very nasty collision as drivers drove straight through the cycle lane (thank heaven for disc brakes). 

Seven Sisters Tube Station exit 
Plainly everyone arriving at Seven Sisters station - whatever their knowledge of English - knows what "CS1" means. It also goes without saying that if you are disabled or with small children you'll need to be extra careful.
Or better still, perhaps everyone should assume that children should always be locked-up in their home? And that parents can always transport them from place to place by car?



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