Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

An item at tonight's Council Cabinet meeting has thrown into question the future survival of Haringey's two warehouse districts and the artistic communities who live in them.

Both the Harringay Warehouse District and the Fountayne Road community now face an uncertain future following the publication of a Haringey Council report, "Tackling Unauthorised Living in Industrial Areas". (Report attached)

The report, which was discussed at the full cabinet of the Council today, recommends a two-year project costing £600,000 which will seek to deal with "the growing problem of unauthorised residential and live work uses in and around (the) Industrial Sites" in Haringey. The recommended process is "to establish a special multi-disciplinary team to fully investigate and address the problem through a combination of regulation, improvement, enforcement and, where necessary, prosecution".

The alarm bells were ringing for me since earlier in the week I had discovered that these areas are earmarked as being amongst those that will "will accommodate the majority of development in the borough over the next 20 years".

In Facebook and Twitter conversations this afternoon, warehouse residents shared their fears that the vibrancy their communities bring to the borough will be overlooked and their communities sanitised and destroyed.

In response to my Twitter requests to Council Leader Claire Kober this evening to protect these communities, Cllr Kober sought to offer some reassurance:

@harringayonline some people in unacceptable conditions. My concern is for safe, decent properties. No intention to undermine communities

@harringayonline no intention to damage what's good. Priority is to go after rogue landlords just as we do elsewhere in borough

When I asked if she would ensure that warehouse residents will be involved, the Council Leader replied:

@harringayonline don't see any problem involving residents. Will ask officers to consider how best to achieve

I very much hope that the approach the Council takes in this project will support these communities rather than beginning the process of whittling them away. 

Tags for Forum Posts: local plan, local plan 2014, site allocation plan, warehouse district

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Thanks Jacqueline. I have followed your advice and emailed Cllr Claire Kober. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Stanton
To: Claire Kober
Cc:  Joe Goldberg; Dhiren Basu
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 4:17 PM
Subject: Former Warehouse/Factory District in your ward
Hi Claire,
If you, Joe, and Dhiren haven't already seen this thread on Harringay Online website can I please ask you to have a look at it and post a comment with some accurate factual information
In the most recent posts today (9 March) Ms Jacqueline Hancher suggests that site members should contact you as the leader of the Council (and I assume as one of the ward councillors). 
As you will see there are varied views and information presented in the discussion thread on a range of issues including:
  • Council Tax and Business Rates;
  • Planning permissions and Certificates of Lawful Use;
  • Enforcement of fire and other safety issues
  • Enforcement in relation to waste disposal; litter and dumping,
  • Noise nuisance;
  • Possible issues of licensing for events/public entertainments etc.
Any help you could give would I am sure, be widely appreciated by the many members of the site.
Alan Stanton
Tottenham Hale Councillor

 Dear Alan 

I hope that you have more luck than , I have had with Haringey Council , since I came to Omega Works in 2000.

In the 14 years that I have been here , I have documented the various issues by photograph , video and letter .

The Council have seen fit to ignore me and have actually continually obstructed me in my attempts to create a safe , convivial environment at Omega Works.

They gave one of my Leaseholder's £20k , to convert Unit 10B at Omega for a Art Project , which resulted in the Tenant's becoming illegal squatters .

Haringey Housing Department , advised these Tenant's, that they had legal right's of tenure .

It cost me considerable financial losses to bring this matter to it's conclusion and enormous unnecessary wasted time.

I personally organised an Arts Omega Event in November 2012 .

An Event License was correctly secured and paid for, many Haringey Resident's attended this event including HOL.

Claire Kober, Joe Goldberg and Dhiren Basu are welcome to visit Units 10A-D Omega Works whenever they see fit ,and you of course are welcome as well.

Haringey Council's Draconian attitude is a far cry from how the ethos was when lead by Lord Mackintosh .

It is tragic indeed that this organically formed community, has to be marginalised and repulsed to make way for greedy Developers and a Council who cannot account for millions of Rate Payers money .

Dear Mr Goldberg 
This is a formal request under The Freedom of Information Act for all correspondence relating to all matters concerning the collection of refuse from Omega Works , 167 Hermitage Rd , Lon N4 ILZ .
'Time being the essence', pending the forth coming Public Inquiry 29-30th April/ 1st May 2014 . 
Haringey Council Planning Enforcement Officers, have cited in their declaration to the Planning Inspectorate , that refuse maintenance is a constant nuisance at Omega Works .
Festus Akinboyewa  has copies of all contracts for the private collection of refuse from Omega Works , the refuse for 10 A-D, is collected under contract, by Veolia ,a partner of Haringey Council ? 
He has had copies of refuse collection contracts since 2009 , and subsequent contracts. 
He is further aware , as is Brian Ellick and Claire Kober and large numbers of Haringey Employees that Tenants have resided at Omega since it was sold by Hk Furniture's in 2002 .
Units 10A-D have adequate industrial sized bins for general waste and recycling.
I have written to various  Council Departments and Claire Kober (in her current capacity ) ,on numerous occasions  regarding this matter since 2002.
As you are aware Unit 10 B is registered for Council Tax , as are many of the other Units within Omega Works, why are you denying those Tenant's, their legal right's to refuse collection ?
It is my opinion that there should be complete transparency , so that the democratic process can be legally adhered to and any further attempts to mislead interested parties relating to planning issues  at Units  10A-D Omega Works, will be legally challenged in Court .
It would be far more cost effective , to address this issue now and provide consultation and refuse collection .
Jacqueline Hancher
10A Omega Works 
167 Hermitage Road
N4 1LZ

Complete transparency - that's the spirit!  I assume you also sent it to Joe Goldberg at his Haringey email and that he'll want to ask council staff to reply formally.

Please post the reply you get. As I guessed, for several years, Joe and Claire have been rolling-up their sleeves and pitching-in with Council staff to try to help solve these complicated problems.

Dear Alan

Sadly this is not the case.

The community on HOL ,should ask Ms Kober and Joe Goldberg to public provide replies to issue's raised relating to Omega Works and the other Warehouse , communities affected .

I reserve my rights to take legal action against the Council for this continued undemocratic behaviour .
In addition , I have been cast as a slum Landlord , this is defamatory ?

I further reserve my rights, to seek legal compensation for this slander .
I am confused by your line "10A-D Omega Works is land locked the yard belonging to the paymaster 's of the aforementioned ."

Do you own this property?
Do the properties you rent out have planning permission for residential use and if so when was that granted?

with respect, jaqueline, the omega works are an eye sore! i walk past there most days and its a tip, last week your tenants were pushing each other around in sainsburys trollys and filming themselves doing so ( hilarious!), infact you have quite a collection there of trolleys. never mind, perhaps the 'vibrant community ' are going to make a sculpture out of them for the community. im still stunned by the lack of regard you show for the wider community, in particlar those who live directly opposite

Dear Sharon
I only have 3 Units at Omega Works , how do you know they were allegedly my Tenants ?

All my Tenant's bar 2 have day time jobs that start at their respective work places at 9 am Monday to Friday .

I reiterate that the yard is not mine , and unfortunately I have no jurisdiction over it . If you have issues with rubbish you need to address these matters to the management of the other 22 Units at Omega Works , email David Meir dm@noblegift.co.uk and Mike Lock mike@topfling.co.uk

I reiterate , that I have a contract with Veolia to collect the refuse for Units 10A-D .

How do you feel about the large amount of rubbish in the space next to the grocery shop on Hermitage Rd .

Has anyone complained about this on HOL .

I have spent over a decade complaining about fly tipping and general refuse at Omega Works .

The Council or not interested in providing legally paid for refuse collection .

The managing agents at Omega Works for the rest of the site don't seem to care either .

I am on the whole ignored by both Parties responsible .

my error Jaqueline, i had mis read which parts of omega you own. the fact remains though that the behaviour of a few will reflect on all involved with omega and that as a whole it remains an eye sore, the responsibility for that cant fall on your other neighbours on hermitage. the disrespect you have shown for one of them, here on hol is distasteful.

Oh Dear !! Here we go again, threatening every one with legal action !!

Spreading malicious rumours ? I think not


Get real and face up to the fact that you are the one in the wrong here.



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