Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

An item at tonight's Council Cabinet meeting has thrown into question the future survival of Haringey's two warehouse districts and the artistic communities who live in them.

Both the Harringay Warehouse District and the Fountayne Road community now face an uncertain future following the publication of a Haringey Council report, "Tackling Unauthorised Living in Industrial Areas". (Report attached)

The report, which was discussed at the full cabinet of the Council today, recommends a two-year project costing £600,000 which will seek to deal with "the growing problem of unauthorised residential and live work uses in and around (the) Industrial Sites" in Haringey. The recommended process is "to establish a special multi-disciplinary team to fully investigate and address the problem through a combination of regulation, improvement, enforcement and, where necessary, prosecution".

The alarm bells were ringing for me since earlier in the week I had discovered that these areas are earmarked as being amongst those that will "will accommodate the majority of development in the borough over the next 20 years".

In Facebook and Twitter conversations this afternoon, warehouse residents shared their fears that the vibrancy their communities bring to the borough will be overlooked and their communities sanitised and destroyed.

In response to my Twitter requests to Council Leader Claire Kober this evening to protect these communities, Cllr Kober sought to offer some reassurance:

@harringayonline some people in unacceptable conditions. My concern is for safe, decent properties. No intention to undermine communities

@harringayonline no intention to damage what's good. Priority is to go after rogue landlords just as we do elsewhere in borough

When I asked if she would ensure that warehouse residents will be involved, the Council Leader replied:

@harringayonline don't see any problem involving residents. Will ask officers to consider how best to achieve

I very much hope that the approach the Council takes in this project will support these communities rather than beginning the process of whittling them away. 

Tags for Forum Posts: local plan, local plan 2014, site allocation plan, warehouse district

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I have never posted on a forum until yesterday , but felt compelled to after being shown the thread. I am not going to add any more after this but will end by say, i was never concerned if the occupation of the units was legal or not. My concern was the contempt shown to the community that was already living there on hermitage road and finsbury park avenue by people that moved in to omega works. It wasn't one or two people , I had problems from at least 5 units. If the people living there had not been noisy and dumped rubbish in the street , I would have been happy to have them live there as would others probably.
I feel by reading a lot of the comments most people that seem to support the idea of units being occupied don't or didn't have to live opposite or behind omega works.
I wouldn't worry if I was a resident of omega works though as I started complaining to the landlords , council ,occupants and even met with my local police officers years ago, and it seems after a quiet period it started again, so nothing has been done. I am glad I don't live there any more.

Sounds a bit Wild West Simon. And again, I'm in sympathy. A few of the Omega units seemed to have been shut and some seem be to waiting to be. I have posted for them to "manage your events". I do not know who owns and leases the units. The company dealing with the majority of the other sites is quite hot on it and some of us residents are. One point I would again make, it's a very vibrant and creative and actually well connected community, yet not under one umbrella. On Arena we set up a res assoc and the other sites should do likewise. Dialogue.

im worried its too late, as simon has pointed out, the blind eye has been turned for years.

Hannie, I am sympathising with Jenny but i dont live opposite Omega like she does. I walk past it everyday and it is less boho more scruffy every day. I live right next to the overbury Warehouse icommunity and we have similat problems with noise. more so in the spring and summer months when doors and windows are open for the raves and then of course the noisy drunken yelling of revellers returning home at 6 and 7 in the morning. 

its hard not to generalise when the only 3 people on this thread who actually live or have lived near the warehouses, myself, simon and jenny have had the same experiences.

There's a lot of sympathy on this thread. Maybe you should all meet up at The Finsbury tavern for a good night out! Amazing what face to face discussions can achieve.

Thank god some one agrees with Simon & myself

Hi Jenny...we have chatted a few times unless another Jenny lives opposite Omega works. I've sent you a connection request.

Perhaps the three ward councillors for Seven Sisters Claire Kober, Joe Goldberg and Dhiren Basu, will come on HoL and give us all a summary of what they've done and are doing to help sort out the nuisance/noise/rubbish problems.

I'm not pretending these issues are simple to solve. They are not. Over the years I've frequently failed to resolve them satisfactorily in my own Tottenham Hale ward. Or maybe thought a problem was tackled, only for it to resume with a new bunch of people. 

But Cllr Lorna Reith, Reg Rice and I have intervened when residents complained to us. So I'm sure that Claire, Joe and Dhiren have also rolled their sleeves up and made efforts.

I think Jenny mentioned yesterday that she has seen or is about to see cnclr Joe Goldburg.
It really baffles me as to why the so called vibrant community haven't been evicted ..the greedy landlords don't care about the tax paying residents in Hermitage road. After an all night party last week.,I despair and nothing is being done to stop these disturbances There is now a bright industrial light shining through my window every evening which might I add , goes on and off all night long. Plus the community that live illegally in the warehouses don't care about the mess that they make. Please don't come back with ' oh , they have bins now'. It was me that called the council every day until bins were provided as before hand, rubbish from the warehouse was being flung on to the street. Mainly from 10b as I saw him doing so..And also he is the one that was frequently holding all night parties
With the summer months approaching I'm dreading the noise too. It's no wonder that there is little support for the warehouse communities if a few inconsiderate members of its community are causing such a nuisance to long suffering ordinary people with kids and regular working hours. No wonder they are all being tarred with the same brush. Jenny..I sent you a connection request.



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