Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I feel there are many ways that the council falls short and ignores it's working/tax paying residents in Woodgreen/Turnpike Lane, however there are 3 issues on which I find it is severely failing to maintain proper standards:

1: Rubbish collection on residential roads at 6:30am on a weekend morning.

2: The state of WoodGreen highstreeet. If Kensignton can stop any further estate agents, then why can't the same be done here for betting shops and pound shops?!

3: The state of the shops/area around Turnpike Lane station, it is always filthy and disgusting. It is also glaringly obvious that some of the shops near the station are just a front for drugs considering the number of people going in and buying drugs!

Anyone have any ideas of what we can do to get them to pay attention?

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Well...if you are talking about Diamond Off Licence, they are absolutely no better and also guilty of planning breaches in the past when they illegally installed the ugly shop front along their Kitchener road facade. 

They are in the process of modifying their upper floors. Have they demolished the corner turret? I do not think they have permission for this and let's see what they put back in its place. Here's the scheme they are supposed to carry out.  The initial unsympathetic designs were modified - this is a key site in the Clyde Circus conservation area.

I am not holding my breath. These places are getting away with murder and the place (Tottenham) goes to the dogs more and more despite the good work being done by a few diehard local residents and some council staff.

This is indeed a shame because both shops by what they sell, are valuable assets for our little patch.

Thanks JJ B, I appreciate that is the case but from what I know the people who run the Diamond Off Licence are leasing the shop, they don't own the shop and they moved in after the shop was transformed as you described.  I think the Expa owner is also the owner of the building (I may be wrong)?

You're lucky, on my estate the collection is at 6am.

Wood Green high street confuses me. So many betting shops and pound shops, and some quite expensive shoe shops.

If you've seen people buying drugs in the shops, have you reported it to the police?

Perhaps they're not at their desks because they are up and about doing work. You really can't win sometimes as I'm sure others would complain that they are siting at their desks all day. Anyway, as 1,000 staff in Haringey were made redundant in the five years to January 2016 I'm sure we'll be seeing lots more empty desks but not for very positive reasons.
At the local authority where I work, every Friday afternoon you can hear the sound of clapping reverberating around the building as someone else leaves, never to be replaced.
There's usually someone there. Ours are on a sensor. You know you're working hard when the lights switch off because you've been sitting still at your computer for so long.
Yes, they've got rid of a lot of buildings that were previously used to accommodate staff (for instance Apex House next to Seven Sisters tube station). There's probably a list somewhere on the LB Haringey website



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