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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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Agree about the obesity thing- surely McDonalds and the like should carry visual health warnings....Nasty pictures of clogged up hearts etc scaring kids off getting addicted to their fries and slabs of processed meat...(Like they wanted to do with the fag packets)

 But 'a national campaign to stop people drinking'?? Hello? This must be a wind up message. ANY excess (food, drink, coffee, sex, fags, using HoL.... ) is bad but in good measure, drink has been shown to be  ok even beneficial so.. you must be wanting to stir things up Christopher! Not bad for a Monday morning! 

Can we return to the fumes on "Green" Lanes?

I should think it's because Green Lanes and West Green Rd are relatively narrow so that the fumes are trapped between the buildings and disperse more slowly.

I never deviated from the "fumes" on Green Lanes. I just included the alcohol and tobacco fumes. As to any problem with banning advertising of alcohol - banning advertising worked very well in reducing smoking and deaths from smoking. We have a rising tide of deaths from alcohol, and an advertising ban would be equally effective. I don't propose banning alcohol, but the same restrictions could be applied as to smoking. 

As in - not in pubs ?

Seriously, I agree. Problems arising from " secondary drinking " ( effect on spouses, families etc ) are probably much more significant than those from smoking.

I suppose it depends on what proportion of wife-beaters you're prepared to tolerate. As you said " Our entire culture revolves around alcohol! " Even allowing for the location of your tongue, I think that's very sad.

Well, not everyone finds it necessary to drink alcohol in order to celebrate a happy event. Given the amount of damage that alcohol does to individuals and society in general, and the huge cost in lives lost, treatment (especially for liver disease) on the NHS, and lost production, one might have expected a slightly more reasonable response to a suggestion that the promotion of alcohol should be restricted. None of us, I am sure, has any objection to an individual drinking himself to death, but just don't expect the rest of us to pick up the tab. Wife-beaters, on the other hand, should be prosecuted with the full rigour of the law. Lock 'em up and throw away the key!

One problematic contradiction when talking of 'costs' to the NHS, taxpayers etc is that the govt raises huge amounts of revenue from drink and fags which helps to fund the NHS and other good things. This is something successive govts fail to get to grips with.

Plus, if we start blaming some people for their own bad health due to drink/fags then we have to do the same with those who choose to eat junk food, not exercise or get their five a day, etc.  so, if someone chooses to junkfood their way to an early grave, don't expect us to pick up the tab? It's a tricky balancing act isnt it? 

Ruth, yes, the successive government have been addicted to the revenue from fags and booze, more destructively than the councils are to PCN fines tax. Some of us need exhortation to lead healthier lives, increasingly, to take measures to slow the rise of obesity. Here is the secret: eat less and exercise more.

It's not such a secret really. Nor is it  rocket science is it, this healthy living malarkey but for some, it seems too hard, too uncomfortable, too... cant be bothered, mate. But of course the big food companies and supermarkets who place unhealthy stuff right at the entrance and exits, really don't help but they can carry on doing this just as pollution is just accepted as a sad fact of modern life. 

It's all linked. We need to unlink it. Few politicians dare for fear of losing funding. 

In Australia alcohol tax has gone up and , now we have low joule, low carb, low alcohol beer,
so you don't have to get tanked to be sociable! I'm astonished by the lack of choice.

If you like your ales then stagger your pints alternating with mineral water to hydrate your body, you will thank you the next day, and why are Britvic juices so expensive behind the bar, alcohol alternatives should be cheaper, we enjoy socialising let's just make it a sustainable activity.



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