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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

In case you didn't get this through your door attached is an update on the transport study.

Main points are

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I am tired of causal statements being made for transport. Let's look at this

"walking is the most common mode of transport.."

"study area residents using a private vehicle for their commute..."

This is utter rubbish. I am tired of consultants relying on erroneous stated preference data, littered with selection bias, as a means of demonstrating behaviour and driving policy. What people say is not what they do. Only certain people conduct surveys. 

If we are going to analyse traffic to make evidence-based decisions (as SDG state) then they need to recognise what good evidence is. Asking a select group of people what they do is not the way to do it.

Does the study take in to account how traffic flows or just volume?

1000 vehicles moving reasonably freely is very different to 1000 vehicles queuing all day, particularly in terms of effect on air quality.

The traffic counters do measure the speed of the traffic...

There are no rubber tube counters at Williamson Road for Sainsburys etc - but  I spotted today two in/out ANPR cameras on stalks. And if my flaky memory isn't letting me down, I think there was the same setup in, or at least towards the latter end of, the first round of counts. Still doesn't excuse the Endymion Road loss of data, but there you go.



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