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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!



Dear Friends,
The date for the special planning committee to hear Grainger's new application
has now been confirmed and will be held on Monday 25th June 2012 7:00pm at the
Civic Centre, Wood Green.
It is really important that as many people as possible come to the committee
meeting to show the Council the continuing strength of opposition to Grainger's
plan. We need to send a clear message that the community want Wards Corner
developed by and for the people who live on and use the site, not for the
profits of a private developer. 
Apart from the Spurs application, the Grainger application will be the only one
in 2012 that Haringey Council would have determined within 6 weeks and not the
normal 13 weeks. This accelerated procedure has deprived local residents and
traders of the time needed to engage with the new application and calls into
doubt the very legitimacy of Haringey as a responsible planning authority.
Grainger's new application remains largely unchanged from the one refused
permission last year. The fact that the council are even considering
Grainger’s new application makes a mockery of the planning process and is yet
another example of the disproportionate power that developers have.
Grainger have carried out no consultation on this plan and Haringey have made
no calls for more consultation or for more comprehensive changes to the plans,
ignoring the calls from local people for a new dialogue to reach a suitable
collaborative proposal for the site.

We can't let Grainger and Haringey destroy the livelihoods of local people and
irrevocably damage the unique character of Seven Sisters by forcing this
proposal through against the wishes of local people.
What can you do?
-- Object to the Grainger plan here, and ask as many people as you can to
also  object to the plans
(a template objection letter can be found on our website)
-- Come to the planning committee meeting 7pm 25th June Civic Centre, Wood
-- ...forward this email far and wide!
For a recap of the Wards Corner saga and for more info visit:

Tags for Forum Posts: corner, council, grainger, meetings, regeneration, seven, sisters, wards

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Replies to This Discussion

I think it is awful that the council can claim the plan has changed yet offer no new consultancy. Then rush the plan through when other plans have to wait. Rush a design panel through without some key members who might object to it. All for a plan which has hardly changed. It still evicts  tenants from over 40 socially rented units, it still evicts all the small shops, it still evicts all the market and thus loses hundreds of jobs for ever. Just how low can this council sink?

Just dirty fingers in dirty pies which is not regeneration it is the stuff of nightmares that are the cause of social unrest White collar crime is just as bad as looting.



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