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Government Petition Website: EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum

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I would have hoped that the Brits might have learnt something from what happened in Germany in the early 1930s, instead of allowing themselves to be whipped up into this 'out,out,out' frenzy, which could be seen all over in the social media.

But no, they have been driven into this situation, by a media system that has incessantly repeated untruths for decades, in exactly the same way as the n+zis scapegoated back then, even choosing to use similar images and outrageous lies and sadly, as we have also seen here in this thread, they are repeated like a mantra, parrot fashion, by normally sensible people.

We all know, that the result of this referendum really  had nothing to do with the EU, but with Islamophobia and general fear of  the different. What else does 'Give me back my country' mean? The majority of those who voted #leave are exactly those who have the most to loose. The return of sovereignity to the U.K. will be so minimal , that all I can call it is 'a piss in the ocean'.

If the result had been reversed, of course the #leave brigade would have been agitating in exactly the same way as the #remain supporters are doing.

At the end of the day, the referendum result is not binding. What we have also seen is, the #Brexit leaders didn't really want out, or at least didn't believe their argument would win. They only wanted to stir up trouble and for that, I will never forgive then. As for Farage calling his supporters the 'decent' people in this country. He really should be taken to task for saying that.

Let me also give you a tip. You in the U.K. really must stop fighting WW2. It ended in 1945 and the rest of Europe has moved on. Germany has confronted it's past in exemplary fashion. If you've ever visited Berlin since re-unification you will know that on every corner, memorials to the past, who lived there, who was murdered, can be seen. It really is a pity that the U.K. hasn't confronted it's colonial past and all the deaths, brought about by the push to spread Britishness or Christianity, in the same way. But continues to persue the imperialistic stance in history lessons and museums, that Britain was always on the right side of history. It wasn't. So let's, in future, leave Berlin and the Third Reich out of this discussion.

Third Reich was never mentioned. First comment related to Brecht's poem about 1953 revolt against -against (?)- guy with goatee!?? Got it -Walter Ulbricht!

But it simply won't do to portray opponents of the EU as dupes of the media and to say the referendum is not binding. That is the language from which civil war can start.

To reiterate, I believed it was in the interest of London to remain in the EU but, guess what, a majority of 2 million English electors disagreed. That should be the new starting point, so let's move on.

No, the outers only had a majority of of one million plus something. It's a majority worth noting, but it's not binding. It never was.

David Cameron has now put himself in the history books alongside Lord North, who was accused of loosing 'America', for doing untold damage to the U.K. it's economy, people and their futures.

Stuart .. I see where you are coming from with the 17th June (1953) uprising, BUT I don't think the situation is comparable.

Stephen, exactly what I was worried about. The racists zombies have awoken and are emboldened. Of course you have such people in Germany as well.

Yes, sadly most countries have then. Until last year, there was always a stigma on people who spoke out in that way and the problem was often played down. Mainstream German politicians have now seen that it can't be played down anymore and are acting accordingly.

I just hope whatever happens - in or out- that we can rebuild our nation as a tolerant, equal and prosperous society together.  Forgive me if this is a bit emotional but I feel as a country we are broken, and I am terrified about who we've become - racism has a platform, the far-right have become galvanised, old wounds (the Troubles etc) about to open again. Equally I am so proud to live here in London, on the Ladder, among good people. It really is a privilege!

Maybe a more devolved London would well for us - they were talking about that on the Politics Show this morning. Apparently only 7% of our tax money stays in the city, and in Manchester, they've been offered plans to have more control over their healthcare.  Maybe we could have the same? Population wise we're bigger than Scotland and Wales after all. For people interested in the more cultural ramifications, I enjoyed this article in the LRB about Divided Britain. I think the author really hits the nail on the head http://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2016/06/24/lynsey-hanley/divided-britain/

Coco, I think the comments immediately after the article are interesting re immigration, the perception vs the reality. Elsewhere it was pointed out that the 'Labour' voters of the Northeast & Wales who voted 'exit' have the least growth in immigration into their neighbourhoods. The right wing media has been singled out for constantly stoking the fire. And now there's the added effect of social media.

Same thing is happening in other countries including the US. People in NYC feel they have a very different outlook to people in the south & midwest and vice versa. Just like London vs the provinces. It has kinda always been that way just this Referendum has highlighted the divide.

Hmm - looks like a few posts after Matt's have been pulled, leaving Coco and I in a rather odd conversation.

To avoid any confusion, my posts 4, 7 and 8 below are not in response to Coco, Stephen or Matt, but to other posts which have been removed.

No posts have been 'pulled'. Fred has left the site and, unless a departing member requests otherwise, their posts go with them.

Leaving the website, leaving the EU, because he can't take a little bit of reason ;-)

That's tosh 'Fred' and well you know it.



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