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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The drain in the road gutter has been blocked for at least two years (South side of road). The drain on the opposite side (North) is free - except when blocked by leaf fall which is always the case in autumn. This gives us the additional amenity of a small lake at the bottom of the road - perhaps this is deliberate landscaping! 

Couple of issues here. No doubt staff shortages will be cited but autumn leaves have only just been partially swept which accounts for some of the blockage. Given that millions have been spent in the park it's a pity that such a basic thing as drainage appears to have a non existent priority. Grateful if somebody could post the contact details for whoever is the head honcho who can be contacted over this seemingly permanent condition.

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Where the New River crosses under Endymion Road into Finsbury Park ? On Google Street View I can't spot drain gullies on either the north or south side.


Or perhaps you mean where the New River flows out of the park under Green Lanes? Google Street View shows a pair of drain gullies there. But on the Hackney side of the borough boundary.


It's the circular Rd inside Finsbury Park. Walking down the hill from the Manor House gates you meet a barrier at the bottom. That's where the small lake is.

Thanks Richard. The council's public contacts for Finsbury Park are: Parks Customer Care on 020 8489 1000; or parks@haringey.gov.uk

I always favour collective action, but I haven't got up-to-date contact details for the Friends' Group. Can anyone else help? Almost certainly someone will have been raising this problem.

If you aren't making progress, the Park comes within Harringay Ward. Councillors' contact details here: http://bit.ly/VVvyUi

Thanks for bringing this to my attention - I'll take it up with Parks on Monday. 

Here is the e-mail for the Friends of Finsbury Park Group which may be useful.



Karen. If you get the chance, would you also mention the near lake sized flooding that occurs every time it rains at the Finsbury Park entrance end of the park. There is a drain there that has simply silted up. Once the flooding has receded it deposits a shed load of silt and dirt and frankly makes that end of the park pretty skanky for some time, during and post flood. I keep forgetting to mention it to the councl, but I have droped the Parks folks Allan mentioned above and the Friends a line too.

I have asked the council to look at both issues - will provide an update when I get something back from them.

Yes, it's always fun cycling through there as you're never quite sure just how deep it is until your front wheel disappears and your feet get soaked.

Yes, all true unfortunately. At about midday today (2012, New Year's eve) the lake was still there. It's receded a bit over the past three weeks, but as it does, it leaves behind mud.

This is a chronic problem that reguarly recurrs after a period of rain. It happens so often that I cannot understand why some form of permanent solution is not found. Cllr. Stanton suggests we report theses things. I'm not sure that its ever done any good. It's happened so often, that surely the council understands that this is a chronic problem?

This southern tip of the park is at the southernmost point of the Borough, close to two other Boroughs. Haringey (like other local councils) is loathe to spend money close to its "borders". The  impression is left that its just too hard to fix and we'll just leave it. Incidentally the council's Director of Place and Sustainability, is paid £140,000 p.a. (plus benefits).

I regard this kind of maintenence as basic and something that a council of 100 years ago would have been able to sort out. If our council cannot fix something so basic, what chance does it have with a complex matter, such as child protection?

I think you've got it right when you say "chronic".

I've just posted images of a similar problem on the North side of the park which is on page two of this string.

I've got to go over to the South side of the park and will take a few pics and post later. Clearly the Director of Place and Sustainability is not paid sufficient to come up with an answer. Shall we propose a doubling of salary.

Seriously these very basic problems are rather worrying as one looks into the future.

Herewith images of blocked drain at South side Finsbury Park. Superficially looks like same problem as on North side of park. Leaves and crap not routinely cleared. Too much management and not enough work. Unfair? If it bugs you please complain.


The Friend's email bounced, but I did get a call back from someone the parks team last week. With luck the drain should be cleared soon and we will see if it helps when it next rains.

My thanks to Ian Sygrave from whom I asked the address for the Friends of Finsbury Park. It's:  thefriendsoffinsburypark@gmail.com

The chair is Douglas Palin. He wrote to me confirming the address but saying they don't currently have a website.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)



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