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So I can hear many people being pleased about this, but I can promise you fining people for jumping red lights doesnt work

its the 2nd time I have been fined and this time it cost me £50 on a very rainy monday by a very grumpy young PC- not happy- all cars staitonary- and no pedestrians

But will it stop me ( or other serial red light jumpers like me)- well its a BIG FAT NO-

Its just now I will have to make sure there are no police cars in the vicinity- So infact instead of making the roads safer, instead of me previously doing a thorough check of the road of any cars, pedestrians, other cyclists., I now have to check for police which means Im possibly less than 100% focused on everything else

So to put this in context

I am a middle age woman who has been cycling  in london on a daily basis for the last 30years. I have been knocked off quite a few times( absolutely none of them my fault)

 2 of my accidents in my early years of cycling where  when i was leaving traffic lights- so I learnt like many other cyclists, traffic lights are dangerous places to stop- So provided its totally clear, get on your way. The more cyclists on the road, the worst junctions seem with the cluster of cyclists trying to find room with cars behind getting impatient and trying to squeeze through dangerously narrow gaps

So you are never going to convince me or many other cyclists its safer to stop at red lights- although i might be a bit richer

So any PC PlODS out there dont waste your time especially on a rainy day - go and catch real crims

So i know many wont agree wth this, but unfortunately a few cyclists give us all a bad name- such as cyclists

who jump lights in a dangerous way( when there are cars around

cyclists who go on pavments and weave around pedestians- scarring them

cyclists who dont stop at pedestrian crossings when people are crossing-terrible!!!!!!!!!!

But something needs to be done with all these recent deaths, and I would be really interested in what the circumstances were- i would guarantee it wasnt due to jumping a light-unless of course the person had been drinking etc

Most bad accidents/fatalities happen by people obeying the law- so the law needs to be changed

And when are pedestrians going to be fined for jay walking across roads and knocking cyclists off

I got sent flying only 2 months ago by a pedestrian running out in front of me on green lanes, close to the ale emporium- the 3rd time a  pedestrian has knocked me off over the years

Right Rant finished

And anyone/cyclist wants to make our roads safer, see the petition below


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I frequently do 20mph down wightman road thanks - never been overtaken. Nor have I ever seen it happen. Nor have I ever lost control of my car on wightman road when it speeds up a little going down the hills.

A pedestrian is less likely to think it safe to walk out without looking on wightman road then they would when the vehicle light is red.

No my argument was that deliberately exceeding the speed limit is equivalent to deliberately jumping a red light. Look I see both sides as I drive and cycle, but as Ant said, the cyclists are coming in for the stick when the drivers are often even more culpable. Sit at Manor House and count the vehicles that go through the red light after it changes from amber, often you can get to 6.

I'm not sure what you mean by this "A pedestrian is less likely to think it safe to walk out without looking on wightman road then they would when the vehicle light is red". You mean traffic light? Pedestrians have the right to walk out whenever they like, they don't have to wait for lights and frankly the pedestrian traffic lights on Wightman Rd are dangerous because they are ignored by motorists sometimes.

The behaviour of some motorists  has no relevance to whether cyclists should or shouldn't consider themselves above the law.  It's an entirely unrelated issue.

Like I said - you appear to advocating a vehicular race to the bottom.

 This is not whataboutery, I'm afraid if motorists are going to get involved then they can expect some "pot-kettle-black".

Let's cool down a bit guys. You're all right and all wonderful. 

A large number of drivers routinely drive over the speed limit going as fast as they think they can get away with, 23, 25, 27mph in a 20mph zone. Its not "accidental" its the way they drive. Not to mention doing that while chatting on their phone or to passengers, eating a sandwich, fiddling with their radio etc. I'm suggesting that if its really so terrible and selfish for a cyclist to carefully go through a red light where they can see its clear then this routine speeding by drivers is worse, cars in a collision are far more dangerous than a bike, and the abuse that cyclists are getting here is misplaced.

I contacted Nilgun Canver to say that I had video showing nearly 50% of vehicles on Wightman triggered the 20 mph speed indicating device. Her reply was to the effect that at least it had brought down the average speed of vehicles exceeding the limit. I don't think that's good enough and how could she tell anyway ? I want enforcement.

The law is there to protect all road users. I've never been knocked over crossing the road on foot at a crossing by a car but ive had a few near misses with bikes.I'm astounded that there is any support at all for going through red lights, it infuriates me as a cyclist and further divides all road users. Until the law is changed we should stick to it. I have signed the petition in the original post btw, hope others do too.

I happened to do a couple of short car journeys and about 13 mile on a bike yesterday. A few observations:

1. I saw 1 cyclist cross a red light in a manner I thought fairly bonkers - sped past who was waiting at a red light - he seemed to know the sequence and crossed without incident, but I don't see how he could have been sure - it certainly looked dangerous. 

2. When driving in car I was behind 2 cyclists on Green Lanes waiting at a red light - they went through the red light. They could clearly see there was no traffic, no pedestrians - and I was really struck by how sensible this seemed. They passed the junction very safely and had a good clear run without traffic along a stretch of Green Lanes, it was good for us car drivers who could then proceed easily without worrying about them.  

3. If I had my phone nearer to hand I could have got a really nice picture of a police van stopped right across an ASL box - I had to go well in front of the box to be safe.

4. The only danger I felt in was when a car 'overtook' me on Wightman far, far to closely. Insane. 

exactly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'doesn't link to a video!



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