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Electric bollard off St. Ann's (The Gardens) - what to do about constant break-down - people using as a rat-run

I am incredibly perturbed - not least as I have a slightly disabled cat with a limp after an accident and there are a lot of kids in the Gardens -  about the fact the electorincally operated bollards  at the top of Warwick Gardens are not working - constantly blocked down now and have been for some time. My road - Chesterfield Gardens is averaging about 5 cars per minute now (and only mid-pm) using it as a rat-run doing an average of about 30 miles per hour - how do we get the council to deal with this and fix??!! I almost preferred it when the bollards were constantly blocked up a few weeks ago and I had to drive around the top of the road and Green Lanes - at least safer!

Any thoughts other Garden residents? I'm the nearest road to the gates so getting very heavy and fast traffic usage and had to queue/continually pull in to side  for nearly 5 mins to drive down my own road the other day with people coming up it in large cars and pretty fast...

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Reported this now to the Council - watched/counted over 20 vehicles coming down in a 12 min time slot (mid-pm) - the majority well over 20 mph and had the pleasure of watching a lorry realise couldn't do it as exit too narrow and have to come back! Hopefully they will get onto the situation and deal with it but can those of us living locally watch and complain if not fixed rapidly.. I don't usually work from home so taken a while to realise how hectic our road is - and as we're not very wide and traffic using the rat run in both directions not very good situation at the moment.. 

I wish I had only 20 vehicles on my residential road in a 12 minute time slot. It's more like 20 vehicles a minute.

Welcome to the Ladder world

Sorry to hear that we consciously moved to the Gardens 12 years ago as I didn't like the heavy traffic on the ladder when moving across from other side of the park (having lived in a very quiet side road before).. by later in the day (rush-hour) yesterday was similar to about 1 vehicle a minute going too fast but seems much much quieter late last night and this morning and bollard was up again when I checked about 9.30pm... definite need for more bollards all around.. signing off now will pick up on other responses later tonight.. 

"there are a lot of kids in the Gardens" <- lots in the Ladder too but they know their place, the cheeky little blighters.

Well part of the problem we don't have high speed bumps in our road - seriously getting busy now - truth be told I'm concerned about me cat as much as anything!


Suggest contacting one of your ward councillors e.g. Barbara Blake who has been on the Green Lanes Area Transport Study Steering Group so one would hope would be more sympathetic than most with the problem of rat-running.

thanks so much for this - it seems to be fixed this morning and traffic very much slower - by late evening in fact! But many thanks for info re who to contact the next time it happens..

I complained to Barabra (twice) about this some months ago. Nothing has been done.

At least Barbara responds.

Noah Tucker never replies to emails. Cheers Noah!

and Ali Ozbek wants the bollards gone so he and his trader friends can rat run the gardens.

I have told you why before privately. It's all to do with favours in Labour Party selection meetings which used to be poorly attended.

why don't you ever back up your spurious claims with facts, names and dates?

I have on here, many times.



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