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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Don't Forget - Wightman Road Closed for 5 months from Next Tuesday (29th March)

In case it's escaped your notice or slipped your mind, Wightman Road will be closed to through traffic for five months starting next Tuesday 29th March.

This will be a significant dislocation to North London traffic movement. So much so that warning notices have been placed as far away as Archway. No doubt it will also have a significant impact on Harringay's traffic.

However, there really is no alternative to at least partial road closure. The railway bridge between Alroy and Wightman roads is being replaced and there will simply be no road for a few months!

One option the Council could have taken would have been to simply reroute the traffic via the Ladder rung roads. It is to their credit, however, they recognised that with over 16,000  vehicles a day using Wightman Road, this would have placed an intolerable burden on our narrow residential roads, already beset by undue traffic volumes.

After consultation with residents, the solution decided upon is to place blocks at regular intervals along Wightman Road, in effect creating clusters of two or three rung roads. Whilst this will retain unfettered access for residents. it will render the whole Ladder, including Wightman, useless as a rat run. You can clearly see the details on the full size pdf map attached below.

Quite what it will mean for traffic in Harringay, Haringey and further afield remains to be seen. Those of us who have been working with the Council on this very much hope that traffic will quickly find other routes. It's fair to say, however, that at very best, we're going to experience some very heavy congestion on Green Lanes for a month or so. 

At the same time, the Harringay traffic study will continue. The coincident timing of this piece of work with the bridge closure may be fortunate in that it will give the consultants an opportunity to study the outcome of diverting traffic away from Harringay. 

A pdf copy of the Wightman Road closure is attached, along with some Council-produced documentation. You can stay up to date with what's happening on the Wightman Road closure on a dedicated page on the council website here.

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I know what you mean Antoinette. I have spent years trying to get my kids to look both ways, and use their eyes not their ears to cross a road (as may cyclists will tell you a lot of adults fail to do this!). My littlest still scares me at times.

One of the reasons we run the Play Streets on Pemberton (and other roads too) is to allow kids to be able to play in a safe space. One of the biggest risks of this approach is that we might confuse the kids and they forget they are not at a Play Street at some point and put themselves in danger. That said, we also have to allow kids to be exposed to different situations and allow them to make choices. Do not get me wrong, you know your kids and what is best for them but I am keen for my kids to be able to make intelligent choices. I thought the comments by the head of the Health and Safety Executive about kids needing to be exposed to risk, so that they can make solid choices later in life was fascinating.

I still automatically press the Pelican Crossing button right next to the Hampden road barrier.


Wightman Part-Closure: Latest Adaptations

1. I have this morning, after due deliberation, persuaded Lady OAE that we should move our two-seater from the middle of our drawing room to the bay of the front window. A surprisingly tranquil sun trap.

2. I am at present considering whether to cancel at least three bi-mensal visits from our window cleaner. There seems but little point in having the poor man go through the motions of cleaning already clean window panes. Please advise. 

3. Emboldened by the derring-do of those who plan to make weird and wonderful uses of Wightman Road "just because they can", I set out just now to cross to the pillar box on Mattison only to be informed by our domestic staff that our outgoing mail services have been cut off and the pillar box locked up some days ago. Come to think of it, I have not seen the mail coach in recent weeks.

How dare they cut off the WHOLE of Wrightman road when they're just doing up the bridge? Imposing all that traffic on Green Lanes beggars belief and goes beyond sheer stupidity! Two weeks of this have been awful, but another five months is unthinkable! Whoever authorised this should get sued all the way to the High Court...

No Chris, they haven't cut off the WHOLE of Wrightman Road - just the intrusive 'r'.  We know our rs from our Lbow around here.

Didn't you go to the Information meeting ?

If not, Hugh has explained it all in here ( above ) at some length.

Well still, whatever their reasons and despite they left a couple of bits of road open, the fact is it simply does not work and I am absolutely certain the levels of CO2 that Green Lanes residents are being exposed to as a result are absolutely unacceptable!

You need to think a bit more mate. What would it mean to keep the road open? Now keep thinking...

Well 'mate', it would mean less traffic on Green Lanes which would be a good thing. Get it, 'mate'?
You could also have less traffic on Green Lanes by closing Green Lanes too.

I was recently in Manila where they have "sub-divisions" which are closed off except for residents, or taxis and deliveries. Taxi drivers and presumably delivery drivers have to exchange their drivers licence for a temporary permit and therefore need to leave by the same entrance they came in on.

I'm sure the council could make that work. Who would like a Harringay "sub-division" in Haringey?

Sounds a bit fascist.

The age of the motor car is drawing to a close, it has been extended in recent years by massive corporate fraud. You could not make it up. Get these filthy, disgusting things off of city streets.

Oh let me guess: you live on the ladder by any chance?



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