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Disabled Parking Bay outside ones home to be assigned to the disabled resident of that home

some time ago I posted regarding disabled parking bays outside someone’s home being assigned to that home. This is because many disabled people have a disabled bay put for them outside their home then anyone else holding a blue badge can park in that bay. Other boroughs have now assigned these bays to the disabled householder.  The council is now going to consult on this I believe on the 8th April 2019. This would mean that if a disabled bay is placed outside someone’s home as the householder needs it only that householders disabled bluebadge could be used to park. I would be interested to know how many other disabled residents have this problem so I can advise Haringey. Are you disabled and have a disabled bay outside your home? Do you find that others park in that bay regularly? Does it affect your life or restrict you going out due to this? All feedback welcome..Thank you for your help. 


I have been advised that the disabled parking issue will be discussed tomorrow 8th April 2019 with suggestions on how to move forward. I will post the suggestions and updates after this meeting. In the meantime if you have problems parking in your disabled bay or know someone in this position please keep comments coming. Would also like to thank all Councillors involved for their efforts in this matter and for everyone’s comments..thank you 

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I would like to have a bay outside my place but as you say there are nit picking reasons why I can't have one.

There is a bay a bit further up from me that is often used by a man who really doesn't seem to be disabled. I've spoken to him on many occasions and am suspicious of his BB status as he's a builder and appears to be quite able bodied. Aside from that he is blocking the local resident each time he parks there to go to the pub.

I can really see the need for the bays to be allocated to the individual vehicle. Just look at the bays opposite the Whittington Hospital. By it's very nature the hospital attracts a lot of disabled visitors who have nowhere to park so naturally head for the nearest bay. This would obviously displace the resident who needs it. Those bays are allocated to each BB holder.

Another thing that needs to be addressed is where you can actually park when using the BB? Unwanted use of a bay is often caused by councils that won't allow BB holders to park anywhere else other than a marked bay yet they don't supply them other than carparks from what I've seen. Visiting friends or family in a residential street becomes impossible as there is nowhere to park.

I often wonder why we have Blue Badges at all when we are so limited as to where we can use them.

if you have a BB you can apply for a bay outside your home. It does take months. The only problem is anyone with a BB can use it. Here I see a lot parking in my bay who are clearly not disabled most probably because they are using someone else badge. 

If the instructor hasn’t got a BB you can contact the parking service during the day who will come and remove it. The trouble is by the time they come the car has gone as it can take up to 3 hours. There must be another way but what I don’t know.

Please note the date should read 8th April 2019 not 18. Please keep comments coming, I think there more people expressing the issues they are facing the better. After all the government as a whole is working on making life easier for disabled people to be able to live a more normal life and allowing them to go out. 

I would like to thank all the councillors who have been working hard to sort this especially Cll Seema who has been working hard on this since being elected. Thank you. 

An example below of how one London borough deals with personalised parking bays - does take six months though


The big issue though is always going to be enforcement in a borough that is over 28 sq kms in size.



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